What are the SDGs?
The Sustainable Development Goals: Agenda 2030 is a global commitment to address the most important issues we face. These Global Goals (or SDGs for short) were developed by communities, businesses, educators, scientists, and advocates from over 100 countries (including New Zealand). Aotearoa has signed up to these Global Goals to help shape the difference we want to make in our communities. For House of Science, education is a big contributor to all the Global Goals, and we want to bring others with us in this journey.

House of science contributes to improving Goal 4: Quality Education ...

Ensure inclusiveness and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities for all
…which is a major contributor to all the other Global Goals:

According to Malala Yousafza
“All the SDGs come down to education”
and we couldn’t agree more.

Many of our science resource kits help educate students about important issues facing our planet. Including renewable energy, climate change, future food options, water allocation, sustainable fishing, healthy diets, the list goes on.
Our corporate sponsors and partners achieve many of their SDG and Corporate Social Responsibility goals through supporting House of Science.