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We service a growing number of regions across Aotearoa. Schools in those locations access our library of science resource kits and teacher professional development through an annual membership subscription.

Find Your School
Search below for schools to find whether or not they are registered with House of Science
School | HoS Branch | Town / City | HoS Member? |
Amisfield School | South Waikato | Tokoroa | Yes |
Greerton Village School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Aberdeen School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Bankwood School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Berkley Normal Middle School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Deanwell School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Endeavour School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Fairfield Intermediate | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Fairfield Primary School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Glen Massey School | Central Waikato | Ngaruawahia | Yes |
Gordonton School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Hamilton Boys' High School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Hamilton East School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Hamilton Seventh-Day Adventist School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Hukanui School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Huntly West School | Central Waikato | Huntly | No |
Insoll Avenue School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Kimihia School | Central Waikato | Huntly | Yes |
Knighton Normal School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Koromatua School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Maeroa Intermediate | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Matangi School | Central Waikato | Tamahere | Yes |
Melville Intermediate | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Melville Primary School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Nawton School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Newstead Model School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Ngaruawahia School | Central Waikato | Ngaruawahia | Yes |
Peachgrove Intermediate | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Puketaha School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Pukete School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Rototuna Primary School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Silverdale Normal School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
St Joseph's Catholic School (Fairfield) | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
St Peter Chanel Catholic School (Te Rapa) | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Tatuanui School | Central Waikato | Tatuanui | Yes |
Taupiri School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Te Ao MÄrama School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Te Kauwhata College | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Te KÅpuku High | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Te Kowhai School | Central Waikato | Te Kowhai | Yes |
Te Kura Amorangi o Whakawatea | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Te Rapa School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Te Uku School | Central Waikato | Raglan | Yes |
Te Wharekura o Kirikiriroa | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Te Wharekura o Rakaumanga | Central Waikato | Huntly | No |
TKKM o Toku Mapihi Maurea | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Waingaro School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Waipa School | Central Waikato | Ngaruawahia | No |
Waitetuna School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | Yes |
Whatawhata School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Addington Te Kura Taumatua | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Avonhead School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Beckenham Te Kura o PÅ«roto | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Bromley School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Christchurch Alternative Education | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Diamond Harbour School | Christchurch | Diamond Harbour | No |
Fendalton Open Air School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Governors Bay School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Halswell School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Harewood School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Heathcote Valley School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
KnightsStream School- Mingimingi Hautoa | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Lyttelton Primary School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Marshland School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Middleton Grange School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Opawa School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Our Lady Star of the Sea School (Christchurch) | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Papanui Primary School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Pareawa Banks Avenue School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
PÄ«tau-Allenvale School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Queenspark School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Russley School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Seven Oaks School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Shirley Intermediate | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
South New Brighton School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Spreydon School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
St Albans Catholic School (Christchurch) | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
St Bernadette's School (Hornby) | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
St Martins School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
St Patrick's School (Bryndwr) | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Swannanoa School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Tai Tapu School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Te Ara Koropiko West Spreydon School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Te Ara Maurea Roydvale School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Waltham School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Westburn School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Wharenui School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Allandale School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | Yes |
Apanui School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | Yes |
Apiti Hou - Alternative Education | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | Yes |
Awakeri School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | Yes |
Edgecumbe College | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Edgecumbe | Yes |
Edgecumbe School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Edgecumbe | Yes |
Galatea School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Murupara | Yes |
James Street School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | Yes |
Kaingaroa Forest School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Kaingaroa Forest | Yes |
Kawerau Putauaki School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Kawerau | Yes |
Kutarere School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Opotiki | Yes |
Matata School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | Yes |
Murupara Area School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Murupara | Yes |
Northern Health School Whakatane | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | Yes |
Nukuhou North School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | Yes |
Opotiki School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Opotiki | Yes |
Otakiri School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | Yes |
St Joseph's Catholic School (Matata) | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Matata | Yes |
Taneatua School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | Yes |
Tarawera High School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Kawerau | Yes |
Tawera Bilingual School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Ruatoki | Yes |
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te Orini ki Ngati Awa | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | Yes |
Te Kura Mana Maori o Matahi | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | Yes |
Te Kura Mana Maori o Whangaparaoa | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Opotiki | Yes |
Te Kura o Åmarumutu | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Opotiki | Yes |
Te Kura o Te Paroa | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | Yes |
Te Kura o Te Teko | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Te Teko | Yes |
Te Kura o Te WhÄnau-a-Apanui | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Omaio | Yes |
Te Kura o Torere | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Opotiki | Yes |
Te Kura o Waioweka | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Waioweka | Yes |
Te Kura Toitu o Te Whaiti-nui-a-Toi | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Te Whaiti | No |
Te Mahoe School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | Yes |
Te Wharekura o Ruatoki | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Ruatoki | Yes |
Te Whata Tau o Putauaki | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Kawerau | Yes |
Thornton School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | Yes |
TKKM o Huiarau | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Ruatahuna | Yes |
Waimana School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Waimana | Yes |
Waiotahe Valley School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Opotiki | Yes |
Whakatane High School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | Yes |
Whakatane Intermediate | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | Yes |
Woodlands School (Opotiki) | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Opotiki | Yes |
Broadwood Area School | Far North | Broadwood | No |
Coopers Beach ECE | Far North | Coopers Beach | No |
Horeke School | Far North | Okaihau | No |
Kaikohe East School | Far North | Kaikohe | No |
Kaikohe West School | Far North | Kaikohe | Yes |
Kaingaroa School (Kaitaia) | Far North | Kaitaia | Yes |
Kaitaia School | Far North | Kaitaia | Yes |
Mangamuka School | Far North | Okaihau | Yes |
Opononi Area School | Far North | Kaikohe | Yes |
Oromahoe School | Far North | Kerikeri | No |
Pamapuria School | Far North | Kaitaia | No |
Rawene School | Far North | Hokianga | Yes |
Te Kura Ä Iwi o Pawarenga | Far North | Broadwood | Yes |
Te Kura Kaupapa MÄori o Hokianga | Far North | Hokianga | Yes |
Te Kura o MÄtihetihe | Far North | Kohukohu | No |
Te Kura o Åmanaia | Far North | Omanaia | Yes |
Te Kura o Waikare | Far North | Waikare | Yes |
Te Kura Taumata o Panguru | Far North | Hokianga | Yes |
TKKM o Kaikohe | Far North | Kaikohe | No |
Arthur Miller School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | Yes |
Bledisloe School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | Yes |
Eskdale School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | Yes |
Flaxmere Primary School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | Yes |
Greenmeadows School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | Yes |
Hastings Intermediate | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | Yes |
Haumoana School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | Yes |
Havelock North Primary School | Hawkes Bay | Havelock North | Yes |
Hereworth School | Hawkes Bay | Havelock North | Yes |
Maraenui Bilingual School (Napier) | Hawkes Bay | Napier | Yes |
Marewa School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | Yes |
Napier Central School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | Yes |
Nelson Park School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Port Ahuriri School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Pukehamoamoa School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | Yes |
Puketapu School (Hawkes Bay) | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | Yes |
Sherenden and Districts School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | Yes |
St Mary's School (Hastings) | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | Yes |
St Matthew's Primary School (Hastings) | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | Yes |
St Patrick's School (Napier) | Hawkes Bay | Napier | Yes |
Tamatea High School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | Yes |
Tamatea Intermediate | Hawkes Bay | Napier | Yes |
Taradale High School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | Yes |
Taradale Intermediate | Hawkes Bay | Napier | Yes |
Taradale School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | Yes |
Te Kura o Pakipaki | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | Yes |
Aokautere School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | Yes |
Ashhurst School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Ashhurst | No |
Awahou School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Ashhurst | Yes |
Bainesse School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | Yes |
Coley Street School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Foxton | Yes |
College Street Normal School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | Yes |
Foxton Beach School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Foxton | No |
Foxton School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Foxton | Yes |
Hokowhitu School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | Yes |
Kenakena School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Paraparaumu | Yes |
Kopane School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Koputaroa School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Levin | Yes |
Levin East School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Levin | Yes |
Levin North School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Levin | Yes |
Levin School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Levin | Yes |
Manakau School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Levin | Yes |
Manchester Street School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Feilding | Yes |
Milson School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | Yes |
Opiki School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | Yes |
Oroua Downs School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Foxton | Yes |
Paraparaumu School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Paraparaumu | Yes |
Poroutawhao School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Levin | Yes |
Riverdale School (P North) | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Shannon School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Shannon | Yes |
St James School (P North) | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | Yes |
St Joseph's School (Levin) | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Levin | Yes |
St Mary's School (Foxton) | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Foxton | Yes |
St Peter Chanel School (Otaki) | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Otaki | No |
Taitoko School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Levin | No |
Te Kura-a-iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Otaki | Yes |
TKKM o Te Rito | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Otaki | Yes |
Waikanae School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Waikanae | Yes |
Arakura School | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | Yes |
Avalon Intermediate | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | Yes |
Belmont School (Lower Hutt) | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | Yes |
Birchville School | Hutt Valley | Upper Hutt | Yes |
Boulcott School | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | Yes |
Dyer Street School | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
Eastern Hutt School | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | Yes |
Epuni School | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | Yes |
Fergusson Intermediate (Trentham) | Hutt Valley | Upper Hutt | Yes |
Fernlea School | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | Yes |
Fraser Crescent School | Hutt Valley | Upper Hutt | Yes |
Hutt Central School | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | Yes |
Hutt Intermediate | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | Yes |
Hutt International Boys' School | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | No |
Kelson School | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | Yes |
Konini Primary School (Wainuiomata) | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | Yes |
Koraunui School | Hutt Valley | Stokes Valley | Yes |
Korokoro School | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
Maidstone Intermediate | Hutt Valley | Upper Hutt | Yes |
Mangaroa School | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
Maungaraki School | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
Muritai School | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
Naenae College | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | No |
Naenae Intermediate | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | Yes |
Naenae School | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | Yes |
Normandale School | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
Our Lady of the Rosary School (Waiwhetu) | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
Oxford Crescent School | Hutt Valley | Upper Hutt | Yes |
Petone Central School | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | Yes |
Pinehaven School | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
Plateau School | Hutt Valley | Upper Hutt | Yes |
Pomare School | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
Pukeatua Primary School (Wainuiomata) | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
Randwick School | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | Yes |
Raphael House Rudolf Steiner Area School | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
Rata Street School | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | Yes |
Sacred Heart School (Petone) | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
San Antonio School (Eastbourne) | Hutt Valley | Eastbourne | No |
Silverstream School | Hutt Valley | Silverstream | Yes |
St Bernadette's School (Naenae) | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
St Brendan's School (Heretaunga) | Hutt Valley | Upper Hutt | Yes |
St Claudine Thevenet School | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
St Joseph's School (Upper Hutt) | Hutt Valley | Upper Hutt | Yes |
St Michael's School (Taita) | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
St Oran's College | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | Yes |
Sts Peter and Paul School (L.Hutt) | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
Taita Central School | Hutt Valley | Taita | Yes |
Taita College | Hutt Valley | Taita | Yes |
Tawhai School | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
Te Kura o Hau Karetu | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
TKKM o Te Ara Whanui | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
Totara Park School | Hutt Valley | Upper Hutt | Yes |
Trentham School | Hutt Valley | Upper Hutt | Yes |
Tui Glen School | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
Wainuiomata High School | Hutt Valley | Wainuiomata | Yes |
Wainuiomata Primary School | Hutt Valley | Wainuiomata | Yes |
Waterloo School | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
Wellesley College | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
Wilford School | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | Yes |
Blomfield Special School and Resource Ctre | Mid North | Mid North | Yes |
Bream Bay College | Mid North | Ruakaka | Yes |
Excellere College | Mid North | Mid North | Yes |
Glenbervie School | Mid North | Glenbervie | Yes |
Hurupaki School | Mid North | Mid North | Yes |
Kamo Intermediate | Mid North | Mid North | Yes |
Kamo School | Mid North | Mid North | Yes |
Kaurihohore School | Mid North | Kauri | Yes |
Kokopu School | Mid North | Mid North | Yes |
Mangakahia Area School | Mid North | Mid North | Yes |
Maromaku School | Mid North | Towai | Yes |
Matarau School | Mid North | Mid North | Yes |
Maungakaramea School | Mid North | Mid North | Yes |
Maungatapere School | Mid North | Mid North | Yes |
Maunu School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Morningside School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Ngunguru School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Northern Health School Whangarei | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
One Tree Point School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Onerahi School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Otaika Valley School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Pakotai School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Parua Bay School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Pompallier Catholic College | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Poroti School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Portland School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Purua School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Ruakaka School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
St Francis Xavier Catholic School (Mid North) | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
St Joseph's Catholic School (Dargaville) | Mid North | Dargaville | Yes |
Tangiteroria School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Tauraroa Area School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Te Horo School (Mid North) | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Totara Grove School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Waiotira School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Waipu School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Whangarei Heads School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Whangarei Intermediate | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Whangarei School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Whau Valley School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Ararira Springs Primary- Te Puna o Ararira | Christchurch | Lincoln | Yes |
Ladbrooks School | Christchurch | Ladbrooks | Yes |
South Otago High School | Otago | Queenstown | Yes |
Aorangi School (Rotorua) | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Bethlehem College Chapman | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Hilltop School | Rotorua Lakes | Taupo | Yes |
Kaharoa School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Kaitao Intermediate | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Kawaha Point School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Lake Taupo Christian School | Rotorua Lakes | Taupo | Yes |
Lynmore Primary School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Malfroy School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Mihi School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Ngongotaha School | Rotorua Lakes | Ngongotaha | Yes |
Rangitaiki School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Rotokawa School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Rotorua Boys' High School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Rotorua Intermediate | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Rotorua S D A School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Rotorua School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Selwyn School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
St Mary's Catholic School (Rotorua) | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
St Michael's Catholic School (Rotorua) | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Tauhara School | Rotorua Lakes | Taupo | Yes |
Taupo Intermediate | Rotorua Lakes | Taupo | Yes |
Te Rangihakahaka Centre for Science and Technology | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Te Wharekura o NgÄti Rongomai | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Tirohanga School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
TKKM o Te Koutu | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Waipahihi School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Wairakei School | Rotorua Lakes | Taupo | Yes |
Western Heights Primary School (Rotorua) | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Whangamarino School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Kaitieke School | Ruapehu | Ruapehu | Yes |
Manunui School | Ruapehu | Ruapehu | Yes |
Matiere School | Ruapehu | Ruapehu | Yes |
Ngakonui Valley School | Ruapehu | Taumaranui | Yes |
Ohakune School | Ruapehu | Ohakune | Yes |
Ohura Valley Primary | Ruapehu | Ruapehu | Yes |
Ongarue School | Ruapehu | Ruapehu | Yes |
Owhango School | Ruapehu | Ruapehu | Yes |
Tarrangower School | Ruapehu | Taumarunui | Yes |
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Taumarunui | Ruapehu | Taumaranui | No |
TKKM o Ngati Rangi | Ruapehu | Ohaukune | Yes |
Tokirima School | Ruapehu | Ruapehu | Yes |
Turaki School | Ruapehu | Ruapehu | Yes |
Ambury Park Centre | South Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Bairds Mainfreight Primary School | South Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Churchill Park School | South Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Flat Bush School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Homai School | South Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Manurewa West School | South Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Meadowbank School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Mt Carmel School (Meadowbank) | South Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Orakei School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Ormiston Primary School | South Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Papatoetoe West School | South Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Riverina School | South Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate Junior School | South Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Southern Cross Campus | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Stanhope Road School | South Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Sunnyhills School | South Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Te Kura Akonga O Manurewa | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Waiau Pa School | South Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Willowbank School (Howick) | South Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Wymondley Road School | South Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Yendarra School | South Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Arohena School | South Waikato | Te Awamutu | Yes |
Bishop Edward Gaines Catholic School | South Waikato | Tokoroa | Yes |
Cambridge East School | South Waikato | Cambridge | Yes |
Centennial Park School | South Waikato | Te Kuiti | Yes |
David Henry School | South Waikato | Tokoroa | Yes |
Goodwood School | South Waikato | Cambridge | Yes |
Karapiro School | South Waikato | Cambridge | Yes |
Kawhia School | South Waikato | Kawhia | Yes |
Kihikihi School | South Waikato | Kihikihi | Yes |
Kinohaku School | South Waikato | Taharoa | Yes |
Kio Kio School | South Waikato | Otorohanga | Yes |
Kuranui Primary School | South Waikato | Tirau | Yes |
Leamington School | South Waikato | Cambridge | Yes |
Maihiihi School | South Waikato | Otorohanga | Yes |
Mangakino School | South Waikato | Mangakino | Yes |
Ngati Haua School | South Waikato | Cambrige | Yes |
Ngutunui School | South Waikato | Te Awamutu | Yes |
Åtorohanga School | South Waikato | Otorohonga | Yes |
Otorohanga South School | South Waikato | Otorohonga | Yes |
Paterangi School | South Waikato | Paterangi | Yes |
Pekapekarau School | South Waikato | Te Awamutu | Yes |
Pirongia School | South Waikato | Piriongia | Yes |
Puahue School | South Waikato | Te Awamutu | Yes |
Pukeatua School | South Waikato | South Waikato | Yes |
Putaruru College | South Waikato | Putaruru | Yes |
Rangitoto School | South Waikato | Te Kuiti | Yes |
Roto-O-Rangi School | South Waikato | Cambridge | Yes |
St Joseph's Catholic School (Te Kuiti) | South Waikato | Te Kuiti | Yes |
St Mary's Catholic School (Otorohanga) | South Waikato | Otorohonga | Yes |
St Mary's Catholic School (Putaruru) | South Waikato | Putaruru | Yes |
St Patrick's Catholic School (Te Awamutu) | South Waikato | Te Awamutu | Yes |
St Peter's Catholic School (Cambridge) | South Waikato | Cambridge | Yes |
Strathmore School | South Waikato | Tokoroa | Yes |
Tainui Full Primary School | South Waikato | Tokoroa | Yes |
Te Awamutu Primary School | South Waikato | Te Awamutu | Yes |
Te Kura o Tahaaroa | South Waikato | Te Kuiti | Yes |
Te Miro School | South Waikato | Cambridge | Yes |
Te Pahu School | South Waikato | Te Pahu | Yes |
Te Poi School | South Waikato | Te Poi | Yes |
Te Wharekura o Maniapoto | South Waikato | Te Kuiti | Yes |
Te Wharekura o Te Kaokaoroa o Patetere | South Waikato | Putaruru | Yes |
TKKM o Te Hiringa | South Waikato | Tokoroa | Yes |
Tokoroa North School | South Waikato | Tokoroa | Yes |
Waitomo Caves School | South Waikato | Otorohanga | Yes |
Wharepapa South School | South Waikato | Te Awamutu | Yes |
Cobham School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Frasertown School | Tairawhiti | Wairoa | Yes |
Gisborne Central School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | Yes |
Gisborne Girls' High School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | Yes |
Gisborne Intermediate | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | Yes |
Hiruharama School | Tairawhiti | Ruatoria | Yes |
Makauri School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | Yes |
Mangapapa School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | Yes |
Mangatuna School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Manutuke School | Tairawhiti | Manutuke | Yes |
Matawai School | Tairawhiti | Matawai | No |
Ormond School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | Yes |
Rere School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Sonrise Christian School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | Yes |
St Mary's Catholic School (Gisborne) | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | Yes |
Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu - The Correspondence School - Tairawhiti | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | Yes |
Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu - The Correspondence School- Wairoa | Tairawhiti | Wairoa | Yes |
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Hawaiki Hou | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | Yes |
Te Wharau School (Gisborne) | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | Yes |
Tiniroto School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
TKKM o Nga Uri A Maui | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Wainui Beach School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | Yes |
Bell Block School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Central School Te Kura Waenga O NgÄmotu | Taranaki | New Plymouth | Yes |
Eltham School | Taranaki | Eltham | Yes |
Fitzroy School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | Yes |
Hawera Primary School | Taranaki | Hawera | Yes |
Huirangi School | Taranaki | Huirangi | Yes |
Kaponga School | Taranaki | Kaponga | Yes |
Lepperton School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | Yes |
Manukorihi Intermediate | Taranaki | Waitara | Yes |
Marfell School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | Yes |
Moturoa School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | Yes |
Ngaere School | Taranaki | Stratford | Yes |
Norfolk School | Taranaki | Inglewood | Yes |
Normanby School | Taranaki | Normanby | Yes |
Puketapu School (New Plymouth) | Taranaki | New Plymouth | Yes |
Ramanui School | Taranaki | Hawera | Yes |
Rawhitiroa School | Taranaki | Eltham | Yes |
St Joseph's School (Opunake) | Taranaki | Opunake | Yes |
St Patrick's School (Inglewood) | Taranaki | Inglewood | Yes |
Stratford Primary School | Taranaki | Stratford | Yes |
Te Kura o Nga Ruahine Rangi | Taranaki | Eltham | Yes |
Te Pi'ipi'inga Kakano Mai I Rangiatea | Taranaki | New Plymouth | Yes |
Tikorangi School | Taranaki | Waitara | Yes |
TKKM o Ngati Ruanui | Taranaki | Ohakune | Yes |
TKKM o Tamarongo | Taranaki | Opunake | Yes |
Vogeltown School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | Yes |
Waitara Central School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | Yes |
Waitara East School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | Yes |
Waitoriki School | Taranaki | Inglewood | Yes |
Alfredton School | Wairarapa | Eketuhuna | Yes |
Carterton School | Wairarapa | Carterton | Yes |
Chanel College | Wairarapa | Masterton | Yes |
Dalefield School | Wairarapa | Carterton | Yes |
Douglas Park School | Wairarapa | Masterton | Yes |
Eketahuna School | Wairarapa | Eketahuna | Yes |
Featherston School | Wairarapa | Featherston | Yes |
Fernridge School | Wairarapa | Masterton | Yes |
Gladstone School (Masterton) | Wairarapa | Gladstone | Yes |
Greytown School | Wairarapa | Greytown | Yes |
Hadlow Preparatory School | Wairarapa | Masterton | Yes |
Kahutara School | Wairarapa | Featherston | Yes |
Lakeview School | Wairarapa | Masterton | Yes |
Makuri School | Wairarapa | Pahiatua | Yes |
Martinborough School | Wairarapa | Martinborough | Yes |
Masterton Intermediate | Wairarapa | Masterton | No |
Masterton Primary School | Wairarapa | Masterton | Yes |
Mauriceville School | Wairarapa | Mauriceville | Yes |
Opaki School | Wairarapa | Masterton | Yes |
Pahiatua School | Wairarapa | Pahiatua | Yes |
Pirinoa School | Wairarapa | Pirinoa | Yes |
Ponatahi Christian School | Wairarapa | Carterton | Yes |
Pongaroa School | Wairarapa | Pongaroa | No |
Solway College | Wairarapa | Masterton | Yes |
Solway School | Wairarapa | Masterton | No |
South End School | Wairarapa | Carterton | Yes |
St Anthony's School (Pahiatua) | Wairarapa | Pahiatua | Yes |
St Mary's School (Carterton) | Wairarapa | Carterton | Yes |
St Matthew's Collegiate (Masterton) | Wairarapa | Masterton | Yes |
St Patrick's School (Masterton) | Wairarapa | Masterton | Yes |
Tinui School | Wairarapa | Masterton | Yes |
TKKM o Wairarapa | Wairarapa | Masterton | Yes |
Wairarapa College Whare Awhina (SLC) | Wairarapa | Masterton | Yes |
Wainuioru School | Wairarapa | Wainuioru | Yes |
Whareama School | Wairarapa | Masterton | Yes |
Adventure School | Wellington | Porirua | Yes |
Brandon Intermediate | Wellington | Porirua | Yes |
Cardinal McKeefry School (Wilton) | Wellington | Wellington | Yes |
Clyde Quay School | Wellington | Wellington | Yes |
Corinna School | Wellington | Porirua | No |
Crofton Downs Primary School | Wellington | Wellington | Yes |
Glenview School (Porirua East) | Wellington | Porirua | Yes |
Hampton Hill School | Wellington | Tawa | Yes |
Island Bay School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Johnsonville School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Karori West Normal School | Wellington | Wellington | Yes |
Kelburn Normal School | Wellington | Wellington | Yes |
Kilbirnie School | Wellington | Wellington | Yes |
Maraeroa School | Wellington | Porirua | No |
Miramar Central School | Wellington | Wellington | Yes |
Miramar North School | Wellington | Wellington | Yes |
Newlands Intermediate | Wellington | Paparangi | Yes |
Newlands School | Wellington | Newlands | No |
Owhiro Bay School | Wellington | Wellington | Yes |
Paremata School | Wellington | Porirua | Yes |
Pauatahanui School | Wellington | Porirua | Yes |
Plimmerton School | Wellington | Porirua | Yes |
Postgate School | Wellington | Porirua | Yes |
Pukerua Bay School | Wellington | Porirua | Yes |
Queen Margaret College | Wellington | Wellington | Yes |
Rangikura School | Wellington | Porirua | No |
Redwood School (Tawa) | Wellington | Tawa | Yes |
Seatoun School | Wellington | Seatoun | Yes |
South Wellington Intermediate | Wellington | Berhampore | Yes |
St Annes School (Newtown) | Wellington | Wellington | Yes |
St Benedict's School (Khandallah) | Wellington | Wellington | Yes |
St Francis Xavier School (Tawa) | Wellington | Wellington | Yes |
St Patrick's School (Kilbirnie) | Wellington | Kilbirnie | Yes |
Tairangi School | Wellington | Porrirua | Yes |
Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu - The Correspondence School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
TKKM o Nga Mokopuna | Wellington | Wellington | Yes |
West Park School | Wellington | Johnsonville | No |
Windley School | Wellington | Porirua | Yes |
Worser Bay School | Wellington | Seatoun | Yes |
Blockhouse Bay Intermediate | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Bruce McLaren Intermediate | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Colwill School Massey | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Diocesan School For Girls | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Edendale School (Auckland) | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Elim Christian College | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Gladstone School (Auckland) | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Glenavon School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Hare Krishna School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Helensville School | West Auckland | Helensville | Yes |
Henderson Intermediate | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Henderson North School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Henderson School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Henderson Valley School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Hobsonville Point Primary School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Konini School (Auckland) | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Laingholm School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Massey Primary School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Maungawhau School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
New Windsor School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Northern Health School Te Atatu | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Owairaka District School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Parakai School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Prospect School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Ranui School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Rutherford School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Summerland Primary | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Te Atatu Intermediate | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Te Kura a Rito o Newton, Newton Central School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Tirimoana School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
TKKM o Hoani Waititi | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
TKKM o Nga Maungarongo | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
TKKM o Te Raki Paewhenua | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Wesley Intermediate | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Westbridge Residential School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Whenuapai School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Woodlands Park School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Paparoa Range School | West Coast | Dobson | Yes |
Bellevue School (Tauranga) | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Bethlehem College Primary | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Bethlehem School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Fairhaven School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Te Puke | Yes |
Gate Pa School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Golden Sands School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Papamoa | Yes |
Greenpark School (Tauranga) | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Kaimai School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Katikati Primary School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Katikati | Yes |
Maketu School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Maketu | No |
Matahui School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Matua School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Maungatapu School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Merivale School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Northern Health School Tauranga | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Omanu School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Omokoroa Point School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Omokoroa School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Oropi School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Otamarakau School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Te Puke | Yes |
Otumoetai Intermediate | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Paengaroa School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Pahoia School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Papamoa College | Western BOP - Tauranga | Papamoa | Yes |
Pillans Point School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Pongakawa School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Rangiuru School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Selwyn Ridge School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
St Mary's Catholic School (Tauranga) | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
St Thomas More Catholic School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Mount Maunganui | Yes |
Tahatai Coast School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Papamoa | Yes |
Tauranga Primary School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Te Akau ki Papamoa Primary School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Te Manawa Å PÄpÄmoa School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Papamoa | Yes |
Te Puke Primary School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Te Puke | Yes |
Te Puna School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Te Puna | Yes |
Te Ranga School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
TKKM o Te Kura Kokiri | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
TKKM o Te Matai | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Welcome Bay School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Whakamarama School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
Arahunga School | Whanganui | Whanganui | Yes |
Faith City School | Whanganui | Whanganui | Yes |
Fordell School | Whanganui | Fordell | Yes |
Hunterville Consolidated School | Whanganui | Hunterville | Yes |
Kai Iwi School | Whanganui | Whanganui | Yes |
Kaitoke School (Whanganui) | Whanganui | Whanganui | Yes |
Keith Street School | Whanganui | Whanganui | Yes |
Marton Junction School | Whanganui | Marton | Yes |
Ngamatapouri School | Whanganui | Waitotara | Yes |
Rutherford Junior High School | Whanganui | Whanganui | Yes |
St George's School | Whanganui | Whanganui | Yes |
St Johns Hill School | Whanganui | Whanganui | Yes |
St Mary's School (Wanganui) | Whanganui | Whanganui | Yes |
Te Kura o Kokohuia | Whanganui | Whanganui | Yes |
TKKM o Te Atihaunui-A-Paparangi | Whanganui | Whanganui | Yes |
Whenuakura School | Whanganui | Patea | Yes |
Berhampore School | Wellington | Wellington | Yes |
Avondale Primary School | Auckland | Auckland | No |
Halsey Drive School | Auckland | Auckland | No |
OneSchool Global - New Zealand | Auckland | Auckland | No |
Auckland Grammar | Auckland - Albert-Eden | Auckland | No |
Puawai Montessori School | Auckland - Browns Bay | Auckland | No |
Kohia Terrace School | Auckland - Central | Auckland | No |
One Tree Hill College | Auckland - Ellerslie | Auckland | No |
Aurora School Alternative | Auckland - Franklin | Auckland | No |
Edmund Hillary School | Auckland - Franklin | Papakura | No |
Fossil Bay School | Auckland - Franklin | Waiheke Island | No |
Karaka School | Auckland - Franklin | Auckland | No |
KingsGate School | Auckland - Franklin | Auckland | No |
Maraetai Beach School | Auckland - Franklin | Auckland | No |
NgÄkÅroa School | Auckland - Franklin | Auckland | No |
Opaheke School | Auckland - Franklin | Auckland | No |
Paparimu School | Auckland - Franklin | Papakura | No |
Park Estate School | Auckland - Franklin | Auckland | No |
Redhill School | Auckland - Franklin | Auckland | No |
St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College (Proposed opening date: 2024-01-01) | Auckland - Franklin | Auckland | No |
Te Huruhi School | Auckland - Franklin | Waiheke Island | No |
TKKM o Manurewa | Auckland - Franklin | Auckland | No |
TKKM o Waiuku | Auckland - Franklin | Auckland | No |
View Road School | Auckland - Franklin | Auckland | No |
Waipipi School | Auckland - Franklin | Auckland | No |
Waiuku College | Auckland - Franklin | Auckland | No |
Waiuku Primary School | Auckland - Franklin | Auckland | No |
Wesley College | Auckland - Franklin | Auckland | No |
Wiri Central School | Auckland - Franklin | Auckland | No |
Tamaki College | Auckland - Glen Innes | Auckland | No |
Arohanui Special School | Auckland - Henderson-Massey | Auckland | No |
Auckland Seventh-Day Adventist H S | Auckland - Mangere-Otahuhu | Auckland | No |
Blind and Low Vision Education Network NZ | Auckland - Manuwera | Auckland | No |
Massey High School | Auckland - Massey | Auckland | No |
Odyssey House School (Auckland) | Auckland - New Windsor | Auckland | No |
Bayview School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Beach Haven School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Belmont Intermediate | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Birkdale Intermediate | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Birkdale North School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Birkdale Primary School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Birkenhead College | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Birkenhead School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Browns Bay School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Carmel College | Auckland - North Shore | Aucklnd | No |
City Impact Church School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Forrest Hill School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Glamorgan School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Kaipara College | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Kaipara Flats School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
KingsWay School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Long Bay College | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Long Bay School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Matakana School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Northcote College | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Northcote Intermediate | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Northcote School (Auckland) | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Northcross Intermediate | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Onepoto School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Pakiri School | Auckland - North Shore | Wellsford | No |
Pinehill School (Browns Bay) | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Pinehurst School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Scott Point Primary School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Snells Beach Primary School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Stanmore Bay School | Auckland - North Shore | Whangaparaoa | No |
Stella Maris Primary School | Auckland - North Shore | Silverdale | No |
Sunnybrae Normal School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Takapuna Grammar School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Takapuna Normal Intermediate | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Takapuna School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Tapora School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Target Road School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Tauhoa School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Taupaki School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Waimauku School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Wainui School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Waitoki School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Wentworth College | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Wentworth Primary | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Westlake Boys High School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Westlake Girls' High School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Westminster Christian School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Whangaparaoa College | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Whangaparaoa School (Auckland) | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Willow Park School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Wilson School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Woodhill School | Auckland - North Shore | Auckland | No |
Harbour Montessori College | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Aorere College | Auckland - Otara-Papatoetoe | Auckland | No |
Peace Experiment | Auckland - Pamure | Auckland | No |
Sommerville School | Auckland - Pamure | Auckland | No |
King's School (Remuera) | Auckland - Remuera | Auckland | No |
Oaklynn Special School | Auckland - Waitakere | Auckland | No |
Auckland Girls' Grammar School | Auckland - Waitemata | Auckland | No |
Mahurangi College | Auckland - Warkworth | Auckland | No |
Auckland International College | Auckland - Whau | Auckland | No |
Eden Campus | Auckland- Albert-Eden | Auckland | No |
Kohimarama School | Auckland- Central | Auckland | No |
Kowhai Intermediate | Auckland- Central | Auckland | No |
Ararimu School | Auckland -Franklin | Drury | No |
Awhitu District School | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Beachlands School | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Bombay School | Auckland- Franklin | Bombay, Auckland | No |
Brookby School | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Buckland School | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Clayton Park School | South Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Clendon Park School | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Clendon Teen Parent Unit | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Clevedon School | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Everglade School | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Hunua School | Auckland- Franklin | Hunua | No |
Kauri Flats School | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Kelvin Road School | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Kereru Park Campus | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Leabank School | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Mauku School | Auckland- Franklin | Mauku | No |
Orere School | Auckland- Franklin | Papakura | No |
Paerata School | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Papakura Activity Centre | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Papakura Central School | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Papakura High School | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Papakura Intermediate | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Papakura Normal School | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Patumahoe Primary School | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Rosehill College | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Rosehill Intermediate | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Sandspit Road School | Auckland- Franklin | Waiuku | No |
Takanini School | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Te Hihi School | Auckland- Franklin | Papakura | No |
Te Matauranga | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Valley School | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Waiheke High School | Auckland- Franklin | Waiheke Island | No |
Waiheke Primary School | Auckland- Franklin | Waiheke Island | No |
Waimahia Intermediate School | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | No |
Weymouth School | Auckland- Franklin | Auckland | Yes |
Edgewater College | Auckland- Howick | Auckland | No |
Chelsea School | Auckland- Kaipatiki | Auckland | No |
James Cook High School | Auckland- Manuwera | Auckland | No |
Lynfield College | Auckland- Mount Roskill | Auckland | No |
Bayswater School | Auckland -North Shore | Auckland | No |
Loburn School | Auckland -North Shore | Rangiora | No |
Wairau Intermediate | Auckland -North Shore | Auckland | No |
Belmont School (Auckland) | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Campbells Bay School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Coatesville School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Dairy Flat School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Glenfield College | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Glenfield Intermediate | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Glenfield Primary School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Hobsonville School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Kaukapakapa School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Kauri Park School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Kristin School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Leigh School | Mid North | Auckland | Yes |
Mairangi Bay School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Manuka Primary School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Marina View School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Marlborough School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Meraki Montessori School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Milford School (Auckland) | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Oteha Valley School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Rangitoto College | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Red Beach School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Ridgeview School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Riverhead School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Rosmini College | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Sherwood School (Auckland) | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Silverdale School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
St John's School (Mairangi Bay) | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
St Joseph's Catholic School (Takapuna) | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
St Leo's Catholic School (Devonport) | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
St Mary's School (Northcote) | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Stanley Bay School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Summit Point School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Sunnynook School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Timatanga Community School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Tomarata School | Auckland- North Shore | Wellsford | No |
Torbay School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Upper Harbour Primary School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Vanguard Military School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Vauxhall School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Verran Primary School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Waioneke School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Windy Ridge School | Auckland- North Shore | Auckland | No |
Nukumea Primary School - Te Kura Tuatahi O Nukumea (Proposed opening date: 2023-01-01) | Auckland- Orewa | Auckland | No |
Rosehill School | Auckland- Papakura | Auckland | No |
3H School International | Auckland- Rodney | Auckland | no |
Ahutoetoe School (Proposed opening date: 2023-01-01) | Auckland- Rodney | Auckland | No |
Auckland Secondary Schools' Centre | Auckland- Waitemata | Auckland | No |
Auckland Senior College | Auckland- Waitemata | Auckland | No |
Crimson Global Academy | Auckland- Waitemata | Auckland | No |
Green Bay High School | Auckland- Whau | Auckland | No |
Ardmore School | Auckland-Franklin | Papakura | No |
Conifer Grove School | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Cosgrove School | Auckland-Franklin | Papakura | No |
Destiny School | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Drury Christian School | Auckland-Franklin | Drury | No |
Drury School | Auckland-Franklin | Drury | No |
Finlayson Park School | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Glenbrook School | Auckland-Franklin | Waiuku | No |
Greenmeadows Intermediate | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Hillpark School | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Hingaia Peninsula School | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Pukekohe Christian School | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Pukekohe East School | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Pukekohe High School | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Pukekohe Hill School | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Pukekohe Intermediate | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Pukekohe North School | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Puni School | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Ramarama School | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Randwick Park School | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Reremoana Primary School | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Roscommon School | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Rowandale School | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
St Joseph's School (Pukekohe) | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
St Mary's Catholic School (Papakura) | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Tamaoho School | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Waiau Area School | Auckland-Franklin | Auckland | No |
Devonport Primary School | Auckland-North Shore | Auckland | No |
Gulf Harbour School | Auckland-North Shore | Whangaparaoa | No |
Hauraki School | Auckland-North Shore | Auckland | No |
Orewa Beach School | Auckland-North Shore | Orewa | No |
Orewa College | Auckland-North Shore | Orewa | No |
Orewa Primary School | Auckland-North Shore | Orewa | No |
Warkworth School | Auckland-North Shore | Warkworth | No |
Marcellin College | Auckland-Royal Oak | Auckland | No |
St Teresa's School (Bluff) | Bluff | Bluff | No |
A1 Student Limited | Central Auckland | Auckland | no |
ACG Parnell College | Central Auckland | Auckland | no |
Atea College | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Auckland Normal Intermediate | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Bailey Road School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Balmoral S D A School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Balmoral School (Auckland) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Baradene College | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Bayfield School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Central Auckland Specialist School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Christ the King Catholic School (Owairaka) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Cornwall Park District School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Dilworth School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Dominion Road School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Ellerslie School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Epsom Girls Grammar School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Epsom Normal School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Ficino School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Freemans Bay School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Glen Innes School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Glen Taylor School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Glenbrae Primary School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Glendowie College | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Glendowie School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Golden Grove School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Good Shepherd School (Balmoral) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Grey Lynn School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Hay Park School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Kadimah School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Marist Catholic School (Herne Bay) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Marist College | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Marist School (Mt Albert) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Marshall Laing School | Central Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
May Road School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Michael Park School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
MindAlive | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Monte Cecilia Catholic School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Mt Albert Grammar School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Mt Albert School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Mt Eden Normal School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Mt Hobson Academy | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Mt Roskill Grammar | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Mt Roskill Intermediate | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Mt Roskill Primary School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Newmarket School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Oranga School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Our Lady Sacred Heart School (Epsom) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Panama Road School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Panmure Bridge School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Panmure District School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Parnell School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Ponsonby Intermediate | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Ponsonby Primary School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Pt Chevalier School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Pt England School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Remuera Intermediate | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Remuera School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Richmond Road School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Royal Oak Intermediate School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Royal Oak School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Ruapotaka School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Sacred Heart College (Auckland) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Saint Kentigern Boys' School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Saint Kentigern College | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Saint Kentigern Girls' School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Selwyn College | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Cuthbert's College (Epsom) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Francis Catholic School (Pt Chevalier) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Heliers School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Ignatius Catholic School (St Heliers) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Joseph's School (Grey Lynn) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Joseph's School (Orakei) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Mary's College (Ponsonby) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Mary's School (Ellerslie) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Michael's Catholic School (Remuera) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Patrick's School (Panmure) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Paul's College (Ponsonby) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Peter's College (Epsom) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Pius X Catholic School (Glen Innes) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Therese School (Three Kings) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Thomas School (Auckland) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Stonefields School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Sylvia Park School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
TÄmaki School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Three Kings School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
TKKM o Puau Te Moananui-a-Kiwa | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
UP International College New Zealand | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Victoria Avenue School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Waterview School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Wesley Primary School | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Western Springs College | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Westmere School (Auckland) | Central Auckland | Auckland | No |
Aka Aka School | Central Waikato | Waiuku | No |
Crawshaw School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Eden Christian Academy | Central Waikato | Tuakau | No |
Fairfield College | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Forest Lake School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Frankton School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Fraser High School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Glenview School (Hamilton) | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Hamilton Christian School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Hamilton Girls' High School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Hamilton Junior High School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Hamilton North School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Hamilton West School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Harrisville School | Central Waikato | Tuakau | No |
He Puaawai Teen Parent Unit | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Hillcrest High School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Hillcrest Normal School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Horotiu School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Horsham Downs School | Central Waikato | Horsham Downs | Yes |
Huntly College | Central Waikato | Huntly | No |
Huntly School (Waikato) | Central Waikato | Huntly | No |
Kimihia Parents' College | Central Waikato | Huntly | No |
Mangatangi School | Central Waikato | Mangatangi | No |
Mangatawhiri School | Central Waikato | Pokeno | No |
Maramarua School | Central Waikato | Maramarua | No |
Marian Catholic School (Hamilton) | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Melville High School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Melville Year 7-13 College (Proposed opening date: 2024-01-01) | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Meremere School | Central Waikato | Meremere | No |
Nga Taiatea Wharekura | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Ngaruawahia High School | Central Waikato | Ngaruawahia | No |
Ohinewai School | Central Waikato | Huntly | No |
Onewhero Area School | Central Waikato | Tuakau | No |
Orini Combined School | Central Waikato | Taupiri | No |
Otaua School | Central Waikato | Waiuku | No |
Patricia Avenue School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Pokeno School | Central Waikato | Pokeno | No |
Pukekawa School | Central Waikato | Tuakau | No |
Pukeoware School | Central Waikato | Waiuku | No |
Raglan Area School | Central Waikato | Raglan | Yes |
Rhode Street School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Rotokauri School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Rototuna Junior High School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Rototuna Senior High School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Ruawaro Combined School | Central Waikato | Huntly | No |
Sacred Heart Girls' College (Ham) | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Southwell School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
St Columba's Catholic School (Frankton) | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
St John's College (Hillcrest) | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
St Paul's Catholic School (Ngaruawahia) | Central Waikato | Ngaruawahia | No |
St Paul's Collegiate (Hamilton) | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
St Pius X Catholic School (Melville) | Central Waikato | Melville | No |
Tai Wananga | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Tamahere Model Country School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Tauwhare School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Te Akau School | Central Waikato | Te Akau | No |
Te Kauwhata Primary School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Te Kohanga School | Central Waikato | Tuakau | No |
Te Kura o Rangiriri | Central Waikato | Rangiriri | No |
Te Mata School (Raglan) | Central Waikato | Raglan | Yes |
Te Totara Primary School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
TKKM o Bernard Fergusson | Central Waikato | Ngaruawahia | No |
TKKM o Te Puaha o Waikato | Central Waikato | Port Waikato | No |
Tuakau College | Central Waikato | Tuakau | No |
Tuakau School | Central Waikato | Tuakau | No |
Vardon School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Waerenga School | Central Waikato | Te Kauwhata | No |
Waikaretu School | Central Waikato | Tuakau | No |
Waikato Diocesan School For Girls | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Waikato Montessori Education Centre | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Waikato Waldorf School ( Rudolf Steiner) | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Whitikahu School | Central Waikato | Taupiri | No |
Whitiora School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Woodstock School | Central Waikato | Hamilton | No |
Kaingaroa School (Chatham Islands) | Chatham Islands | Chatham Islands | No |
Pitt Island School | Chatham Islands | Chatham Islands | No |
Te One School | Chatham Islands | Chatham Islands | No |
Aidanfield Christian School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Akaroa Area School | Christchurch | Akaroa | No |
Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Avonside Girls' High School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Belfast School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Bishopdale School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Breens Intermediate | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Burnside High School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Burnside Primary School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Casebrook Intermediate | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Cashmere High School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Cashmere Primary Te Pae Kererū | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Catholic Cathedral College | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Chisnallwood Intermediate | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Christ The King School (Burnside) | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Christchurch Adventist School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Christchurch Boys' High School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Christchurch East School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Christchurch Girls' High School -Te Kura o Hine Waiora | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Christchurch South Karamata Intermediate School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Christ's College | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Cobham Intermediate | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Cotswold School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Darfield High School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Darfield School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Duvauchelle School | Christchurch | Duvauchelle | No |
Elmwood Normal School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Emmanuel Christian School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Ferndale Te Ahu | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Gilberthorpe School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Haeata Community Campus | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Hagley Community College | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Halswell Residential College | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Heaton Normal Intermediate | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Hillmorton High School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Hillview Christian School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Hoon Hay Te Kura KÅaka | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Hornby High School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Hornby Primary School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Ilam School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Isleworth School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Jean Seabrook Memorial School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Kirkwood Intermediate | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Ko Taku Reo â Deaf Education New Zealand | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Linwood Avenue School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Little River School | Christchurch | Little River | No |
Mairehau High School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Mairehau Primary School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Marian College | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Medbury Preparatory School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Merrin School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Mount Hutt College | Christchurch | Methven | No |
Mt Pleasant School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
New Brighton Catholic School (Chch) | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Ngutuawa School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Nova Montessori School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Oaklands School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Okains Bay School | Christchurch | Okains Bay | No |
Our Lady of the Assumption School (Chch) | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Our Lady of Victories | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Ouruhia Model School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Papanui High School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Parkview PÄrua | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Rangi Ruru Girls' School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
RÄwhiti School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Redwood School (Christchurch) | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Riccarton High School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Rudolf Steiner School (Chch) | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Sacred Heart School (Christchurch) | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Selwyn House School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Seven Oaks Secondary School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Shirley Boysâ High School - NgÄ Tama o Åruapaeroa | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Shirley Primary School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
South Hornby School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Southern Health School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
St Andrew's College (Christchurch) | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
St Anne's School (Woolston) | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
St Bedes College | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
St Francis of Assisi Catholic School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
St James School (Aranui) | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
St Joseph's School (Papanui) | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
St Margaret's College | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
St Mark's School (Christchurch) | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
St Mary's School (Christchurch) | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
St Michael's Church School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
St Peter's School (Beckenham) | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
St Teresa's School (Riccarton) | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
St Thomas of Canterbury College | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Sumner School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Tamariki School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Te Aratai College | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Te KÄpehu Riccarton School | Christchurch | Christchurch | Yes |
Te KÅmanawa Rowley School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Te Kura o Huriawa Thorrington | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Te Kura o Matarangi - Northcote School | Christchurch | Redwood | No |
Te Pa o Rakaihautu | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Te Raekura Redcliffs School | Christchurch | Redcliffs | No |
Te Waka Unua School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Templeton School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
The Cathedral Grammar School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
TKKM o Te Whanau Tahi | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
TKKM o Waitaha | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Villa Maria College | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Waimairi School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Wairakei School (Christchurch) | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Waitaha School | Christchurch | Rolleston | No |
Waitakiri Primary School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Whītau School | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Wigram Primary School - Te Piki KÄhu | Christchurch | Christchurch | No |
Yaldhurst Model School | Christchurch | Yaldhurst | No |
Abbotsford School | Dunedin | Dunedin | no |
Amana Christian School | Dunedin | Mosgiel | No |
Andersons Bay School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Arthur Street School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Balaclava School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Balmacewen Intermediate | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Bathgate Park School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Bayfield High School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Big Rock Primary School | Dunedin | Brighton | No |
Bradford School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Broad Bay School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Brockville School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Carisbrook School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Columba College | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Concord School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Dunedin North Intermediate | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Dunedin Rudolf Steiner School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
East Taieri School | Dunedin | Mosgiel | No |
Elmgrove School | Dunedin | Mosgiel | No |
Fairfield School (Dunedin) | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
George Street Normal School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Grants Braes School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Green Island School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Halfway Bush School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
John McGlashan College | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Kaikorai School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Kaikorai Valley College | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Karitane School | Dunedin | Karitane | No |
Kavanagh College | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Kings High School (Dunedin) | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Lee Stream School | Dunedin | Outram | No |
Liberton Christian School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Logan Park High School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
London House Learning Centre | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Macandrew Bay School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Maori Hill School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Mornington School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Musselburgh School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
North East Valley Normal School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Opoho School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Outram School | Dunedin | Outram | No |
Pine Hill School (Dunedin) | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Port Chalmers School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Portobello School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Purakaunui School | Dunedin | Purakaunui | No |
Queens High School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Ravensbourne School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Sacred Heart School (Dunedin) | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Sara Cohen School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Sawyers Bay School | Dunedin | Port Chalmers | No |
Silverstream (South) Primary School | Dunedin | Mosgiel | No |
St Bernadette's School (Forbury) | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
St Brigids School (Tainui) | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
St Clair School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
St Francis Xavier School (Mornington) | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
St Hildas Collegiate | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
St Joseph's Cathedral School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
St Joseph's School (Port Chalmers) | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
St Leonard's School (Dunedin) | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
St Mary's School (Dunedin) | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
St Mary's School (Mosgiel) | Dunedin | Mosgiel | No |
St Peter Chanel School (Green Island) | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Strath Taieri School | Dunedin | Middlemarch | No |
Tahuna Normal Intermediate | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Taieri College | Dunedin | Mosgiel | No |
Tainui School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
TKKM o Otepoti | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Waikouaiti School | Dunedin | Waikouaiti | No |
Waitati School | Dunedin | Waitati | No |
Wakari School | Dunedin | Dunedin | No |
Warrington School | Dunedin | Warrington | No |
Ashbrook School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Opotiki | No |
Kawerau South School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Kawerau | No |
Kawerau Teen Parent Unit | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Kawerau | No |
Ohope Beach School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Ohope | No |
Opotiki College | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Opotiki | No |
St Joseph's Catholic School (Opotiki) | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Opotiki | No |
St Joseph's Catholic School (Whakatane) | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | No |
Te Kura Mana Maori Maraenui | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Opotiki | No |
Te Kura Maori-a-Rohe o Waiohau | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | No |
TKK Motuhake o Tawhiuau | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | No |
Trident High School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | No |
Whakatane S D A School | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | No |
Whakatane Teen Parent Unit | Eastern Bay of Plenty | Whakatane | No |
Ahipara School | Far North | Ahipara | No |
Awanui School | Far North | Awanui | No |
Bay of Islands College | Far North | Kawakawa | No |
Bay of Islands International Academy | Far North | Purerua | No |
Harvest Christian School | Far North | Kerikeri | No |
Herekino School | Far North | Herekino | No |
Kaeo School | Far North | Kaeo | No |
Kaikohe Christian School | Far North | Kaikohe | No |
Kaikohe Intermediate | Far North | Kaikohe | No |
Kaitaia Abundant Life School | Far North | Kaitaia | No |
Kaitaia College | Far North | Kaitaia | No |
Kaitaia Intermediate | Far North | Kaitaia | No |
Karetu School | Far North | Kawakawa | No |
Kawakawa Primary School | Far North | Kawakawa | No |
Kerikeri High School | Far North | Kerikeri | No |
Kerikeri Primary School | Far North | Kerikeri | No |
Kohukohu School | Far North | Hokianga | No |
Mangonui School | Far North | Mangonui | No |
Matauri Bay School | Far North | Maturi Bay | No |
Moerewa School | Far North | Moerewa | No |
Motatau School | Far North | Motatau | No |
Ngataki School | Far North | Kaitaia | No |
Northland College | Far North | Northland | No |
Northland College Teen Parent Unit | Far North | Northland | No |
Northland School | Far North | Northland | No |
Ohaeawai School | Far North | Kaikohe | No |
Okaihau College | Far North | Whanaungatanga | No |
Okaihau Primary School | Far North | Whanaungatanga | Yes |
Opua School | Far North | Opua | No |
Oruaiti School | Far North | Mangonui | No |
Oturu School | Far North | Kaitaia | Yes |
Paihia School | Far North | Paihia | No |
Pakaraka School | Far North | Kaikohe | No |
Paparore School | Far North | Awanui | No |
Peria School | Far North | Kaitaia | No |
Pompallier Catholic School | Far North | Kaitaia | No |
Pukenui School (Kaitaia) | Far North | Kaitaia | No |
Pukepoto School | Far North | Pukepoto | No |
Riverview School | Far North | Kerikeri | No |
Rodney College | Far North | Wellsford | No |
Russell School (Bay Of Islands) | Far North | Russell | No |
Springbank School | Far North | Kerikeri | No |
Taipa Area School | Far North | Taipa | No |
Tautoro School | Far North | Kaikohe | No |
Te Hapua School | Far North | Kaitaia | No |
Te Kura o Hato Hohepa Te Kamura | Far North | Kaeo | No |
Te Kura o Te Kao | Far North | Te Kao | No |
Te Rangi Aniwaniwa | Far North | Awanui | No |
TKKM o Pukemiro | Far North | Kaitaia | No |
TKKM o Taumarere | Far North | Moerewa | No |
TKKM o Tūtūtarakihi | Far North | Kaitaia | No |
TKKM o Whangaroa | Far North | Northland | No |
Totara North School | Far North | Totara North | No |
Umawera School | Far North | Umawera | No |
Waiharara School | Far North | Northland | No |
Waima School | Far North | Kaikohe | No |
Whangaroa College | Far North | Kaeo | No |
ACG Strathallan | Franklin | Karaka | no |
Alfriston College | Franklin | Auckland | No |
Alfriston School | Franklin | Auckland | No |
Kaitoke School (Claris) | Great Barrier Island | Great Barrier Island | No |
Mulberry Grove School | Great Barrier Island | Tryphena | No |
Okiwi School | Great Barrier Island | Okiwi | No |
John Paul II High School | Greymouth | Grey District | No |
Goldfields School (Paeroa) | Hauraki | Paeroa | No |
Hauraki Plains College | Hauraki | Ngatea | No |
Akina School/ Activity Centre | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Argyll East School | Hawkes Bay | Otane | No |
Bridge Pa School | Hawkes Bay | Bridge Pa | No |
Camberley School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Central Hawkes Bay College | Hawkes Bay | Waipukurau | No |
Clive School | Hawkes Bay | Clive | No |
Ebbett Park School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Elsthorpe School | Hawkes Bay | Elsthorpe | No |
Fairhaven School (Napier) | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Flaxmere College | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Flemington School (Waipukurau) | Hawkes Bay | Waipukurau | No |
Frimley School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Hastings Boys' High School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Hastings Central School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Hastings Christian School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Hastings Girls' High School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Havelock North High School | Hawkes Bay | Havelock North | No |
Havelock North Intermediate | Hawkes Bay | Havelock North | No |
Havelock School | Hawkes Bay | Havelock North | No |
Hawke's Bay School for Teenage Parents | Hawkes Bay | Hawkes Bay | No |
Henry Hill School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Heretaunga Intermediate | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Hohepa School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Hukarere Girlsâ College | Hawkes Bay | Eskdale | No |
Iona College | Hawkes Bay | Havelock North | No |
Iqra School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Irongate School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Karamu High School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Karanga Mai Young Parents College | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Kereru School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Kowhai School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Lindisfarne College | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Lucknow School | Hawkes Bay | Havelock North | No |
Mahora School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Mangateretere School | Hawkes Bay | Whakatu | No |
Maraekakaho School | Hawkes Bay | Maraekakaho | No |
Mayfair School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Meeanee School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Napier Boys' High School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Napier Community High School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Napier Girls' High School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Napier Intermediate | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Omahu School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Omakere School | Hawkes Bay | Waipawa | No |
Onekawa School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Ongaonga School | Hawkes Bay | Onagonga | Yes |
Otane School | Hawkes Bay | Otane | No |
Pakowhai School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Parkside Christian S D A School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Parkvale School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Patoka School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Peterhead School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Porangahau School | Hawkes Bay | Porangahau | No |
Porritt School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Poukawa School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Pukehou School | Hawkes Bay | Pukehou | No |
Putorino School | Hawkes Bay | Putorino | No |
Raureka School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Reignier Catholic School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Richmond School (Napier) | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Sacred Heart College (Napier) | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Sherwood School (Hawkes Bay) | Hawkes Bay | Takapau | No |
St John's College (Hastings) | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
St Joseph's Maori Girls' College | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
St Joseph's School (Hastings) | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
St Joseph's School (Waipukurau) | Hawkes Bay | Waipukurau | No |
Taikura Rudolf Steiner School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Takapau School | Hawkes Bay | Takapau | No |
Tamatea School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Te Aratika Academy | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Te Aute College | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Te Awa School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Te Kura o Kimi Ora | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Te Mata School (Havelock North) | Hawkes Bay | Havelock North | No |
Te Pohue School | Hawkes Bay | Te Pohue | No |
Te Tipu Whenua o Pa Harakeke | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
The Terrace School (Waipukurau) | Hawkes Bay | Waipukurau | No |
Tikokino School | Hawkes Bay | Tikokino | No |
TKKM o Ngati Kahungunu Ki Heretaunga | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
TKKM o Takapau | Hawkes Bay | Takapau | No |
TKKM o Te Ara Hou | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
TKKM o Te Wananga Whare Tapere o Takitimu | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Tutira School | Hawkes Bay | Tutira | No |
Twyford School | Hawkes Bay | Hastings | No |
Waimarama School | Hawkes Bay | Havelock North | No |
Waipawa School | Hawkes Bay | Waipawa | No |
Waipukurau School | Hawkes Bay | Waipukurau | Yes |
Westshore School | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
William Colenso College | Hawkes Bay | Napier | No |
Woodford House | Hawkes Bay | Havelock North | No |
Apiti School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Apiti | No |
Awapuni School (P.North) | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Awatapu College | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Bunnythorpe School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Bunnythorpe | Yes |
Carncot Independent School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Central Normal School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Cloverlea School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Colyton School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Fielding | No |
Cornerstone Christian School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Fairfield School (Levin) | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Levin | No |
Feilding High School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Feilding | No |
Feilding Intermediate | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Feilding | No |
Freyberg High School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Glen Oroua School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Halcombe Primary School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Feilding | No |
Hato Paora College | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Feilding | No |
Hiwinui School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Horowhenua College | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Levin | No |
Kairanga School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Kapakapanui School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Waikanae | No |
Kapiti College | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Kapiti Coast | No |
Kapiti School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Kapiti Coast | No |
Kimbolton School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Kimbolton | No |
Kiwitea School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Kiwitea | No |
Levin Intermediate | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Levin | No |
Levin Teen Parent Unit | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Levin | No |
Linton Camp School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Linton | No |
Linton Country School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Linton | No |
Longburn Adventist College | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Longburn School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Lytton Street School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Feilding | Yes |
Mana Tamariki | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Manukura | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Monrad - Te Kura Waenga o Tirohanga | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Mount Biggs School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Feilding | No |
Newbury School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
North Street School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Feilding | No |
Ohau School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Levin | No |
Otaki College | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Otaki | No |
Otaki School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Otaki | No |
Our Lady of Kapiti School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Paparaumu | No |
Our Lady of Lourdes School (P North) | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Paekakariki School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Paekakariki | No |
Palmerston North Adventist Christian School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Palmerston North Boys' High School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Palmerston North Girls' High School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Palmerston North Intermediate | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Palmerston School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Paraparaumu Beach School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Paraparaumu | No |
Paraparaumu College | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Paraparaumu | No |
Parkland School (P North) | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Queen Elizabeth College | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Raumati Beach School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Raumati Beach | No |
Raumati South School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Raumati Beach | No |
Rongotea School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Rongotea | No |
Roslyn School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Ross Intermediate | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Russell Street School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Sanson School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Sanson | No |
St Joseph's School (Feilding) | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Feilding | No |
St Mary's School (P North) | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
St Peter's College (Palmerston North) | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Takaro School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Tangimoana School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Tangimoana | No |
Taonui School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Feilding | No |
Te Horo School (Otaki) | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Otaki | No |
Te Kura o Wairau | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Te Ra School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Kapiti Coast | No |
Terrace End School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
TKKM o Manawatu | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Tokomaru School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Tokomaru Bay | No |
Turitea School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Tiritea | No |
Waiopehu College | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Levin | No |
Waitohu School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Otaki | No |
Waituna West School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Feilding | No |
West End School (P North) | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Whakarongo School | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Whakatipuria Teen Parent Unit | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Winchester School (P North) | Horowhenua/Manawatu/Kapiti | Palmerston North | No |
Avalon School | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | No |
Chilton Saint James School | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | No |
Gracefield School | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | No |
Heretaunga College | Hutt Valley | Upper Hutt | No |
Hutt Valley Activity Centre | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | No |
Hutt Valley High School | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | No |
Kimi Ora School | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | No |
Manawatu College | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | No |
Manawatu Community High School - Manawatu Kura a Iwi | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | No |
Maranatha Christian School | Hutt Valley | Lower Hutt | No |
Sacred Heart College (Lower Hutt) | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | No |
Silverstream Christian School | Hutt Valley | Silverstream | No |
St Bernard's College | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | No |
St Patrick's College (Silverstream) | Hutt Valley | Silverstream | No |
Titiro Whakamua | Hutt Valley | Upper Hutt | No |
Upper Hutt College | Hutt Valley | Upper Hutt | No |
Upper Hutt School | Hutt Valley | Upper Hutt | No |
Wa Ora Montessori School | Hutt Valley | Hutt Valley | No |
Wainuiomata Intermediate | Hutt Valley | Wainuiomata | No |
Amberley School | Malborough | Amberley | No |
Amuri Area School | Malborough | Culverden | No |
Blenheim School | Malborough | Blenheim | No |
Bohally Intermediate | Malborough | Blenheim | No |
Broomfield School | Malborough | Amberley | No |
Canvastown School | Malborough | Canvastown | No |
Cheviot Area School | Malborough | Cheviot | No |
Fairhall School | Malborough | Blenheim | No |
Greta Valley School | Malborough | Amberley | No |
Grovetown School | Malborough | Blenheim | No |
Hanmer Springs School | Malborough | Hanmer Springs | No |
HÄpuku School | Malborough | Kaikoura | No |
Hurunui College | Malborough | Hawarden | No |
Kaikoura High School | Malborough | Kaikoura | No |
Kaikoura Primary School | Malborough | Kaikoura | No |
Kaikoura Suburban School | Malborough | Kaikoura | No |
Leithfield School | Malborough | Amberley | No |
Linkwater School | Malborough | Linkwater | No |
Omihi School | Malborough | Hurunui | No |
Picton School | Malborough | Picton | No |
Queen Charlotte College | Malborough | Picton | No |
Rai Valley Area School | Malborough | Rai Valley | No |
Rapaura School | Malborough | Rapaura | No |
Redwoodtown School | Malborough | Blenheim | No |
Renwick School | Malborough | Renwick | No |
Richmond View School | Malborough | Blenheim | No |
Riverlands School | Malborough | Blenheim | No |
Rotherham School | Malborough | Rotherham | No |
Seddon School | Malborough | Seddon | No |
Spring Creek School | Malborough | Spring Creek | No |
Springlands School | Malborough | Blenheim | No |
St Joseph's School (Kaikoura) | Malborough | Kaikoura | No |
St Mary's School (Blenheim) | Malborough | Blenheim | No |
Tua Marina School | Malborough | Blenheim | No |
Waiau School | Malborough | Waiau | No |
Waikari School | Malborough | Waikari | No |
Waikawa Bay School | Malborough | Picton | No |
Waipara School | Malborough | Waipara | No |
Wairau Valley School (Blenheim) | Malborough | Blenheim | No |
Wairau Valley Special School | Malborough | Blenheim | No |
Waitaria Bay School | Malborough | Picton | No |
Ward School | Malborough | Ward | No |
Whitney Street School | Malborough | Blenheim | No |
Witherlea School | Malborough | Blenheim | No |
Marlborough Boys' College | Marlborough | Blenhiem | No |
Marlborough Girls' College | Marlborough | Blenhiem | No |
Mayfield School (Blenheim) | Marlborough | Blenhiem | No |
Aranga School | Mid North | Dargaville | No |
Arapohue School | Mid North | Dargaville | Yes |
Dargaville High School | Mid North | Dargaville | No |
Dargaville Intermediate | Mid North | Dargaville | No |
Dargaville Primary School | Mid North | Dargaville | No |
He Mataariki School for Teen Parents | Mid North | Mid North | No |
He Puna Ruku MÄtauranga o Whangaruru | Mid North | Hikurangi | No |
Hikurangi School | Mid North | Hikurangi | Yes |
Hora Hora School (Te Mai) | Mid North | Mid North | No |
Huanui College | Mid North | Mid North | No |
Hukerenui School Years 1-8 | Mid North | Mid North | No |
Kaihu Valley School | Mid North | Dargaville | No |
Kaiwaka School | Mid North | Kaiwaka | Yes |
Kamo High School | Mid North | Mid North | No |
Manaia View School | Mid North | Mid North | No |
Mangawhai Beach School | Mid North | Mangawhai | No |
Matakohe School | Mid North | Matakoe | No |
Maungaturoto School | Mid North | Maungaturoto | No |
Otamatea Christian School | Mid North | Maungaturoto | No |
Otamatea High School | Mid North | Maungaturoto | No |
Paparoa School | Mid North | Paparoa | No |
Paparoa Street School | Mid North | Paparoa | No |
Pouto School | Mid North | Te Kopuru | No |
Raurimu Avenue School | Mid North | Whangarei | No |
Renew School | Mid North | Whangarei | Yes |
Ruawai College | Mid North | Ruawai | No |
Ruawai Primary School | Mid North | Ruawai | No |
Selwyn Park School | Mid North | Dargaville | No |
Tangowahine School | Mid North | Dargaville | No |
Te KÄpehu WhetÅ« (Teina) | Mid North | Whangarei | No |
Te KÄpehu WhetÅ« (Tuakana) | Mid North | Whangarei | No |
Te Kopuru School | Mid North | Te Kopuru | No |
Te Kura o Otangarei | Mid North | Whangarei | No |
Tikipunga High School | Mid North | Whangarei | No |
Tikipunga Primary School | Mid North | Whangarei | No |
Tinopai School | Mid North | Matakohe | No |
TKKM o Ngaringaomatariki | Mid North | Wellsford | No |
TKKM o Te Rawhiti Roa | Mid North | Whangarei | No |
Whananaki School | Mid North | Whananaki | No |
Whangarei Adventist Christian School | Mid North | Whangarei | No |
WhangÄrei Boys' High School | Mid North | Whangarei | No |
Whangarei Girls' High School | Mid North | Whangarei | No |
Appleby School | Nelson | Tasman | No |
Auckland Point School | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Birchwood School | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Brightwater School | Nelson | Brighwater | No |
Broadgreen Intermediate | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Brooklyn School (Motueka) | Nelson | Motueka | No |
Central Takaka School | Nelson | Takaka | No |
Clifton Terrace School | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Collingwood Area School | Nelson | Collingwood | No |
Dovedale School | Nelson | Tasman | No |
Enner Glynn School | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Garin College | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Golden Bay High School | Nelson | Takaka | No |
Hampden Street School | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Henley School (Nelson) | Nelson | Richmond | No |
Hira School | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Hope School | Nelson | Hope | No |
Lake Rotoiti School | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Lower Moutere School | Nelson | Lower Moutere | No |
Mahana School | Nelson | Mahana | No |
Maitai School | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Mapua School | Nelson | Mapua | No |
Motueka High School | Nelson | Motueka | No |
Motueka South School | Nelson | Motueka | No |
Motueka Steiner School | Nelson | Motueka | No |
Motupipi School | Nelson | Takaka | No |
Murchison Area School | Nelson | Murchinson | No |
Nayland College | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Nayland Primary School | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Nelson Central School | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Nelson Christian Academy | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Nelson College | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Nelson College (Prep.Dept.) | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Nelson College For Girls | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Nelson College For Girls Prep School | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Nelson Intermediate | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Nelson Teen Parent Unit | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Ngatimoti School | Nelson | Motueka | No |
Parklands School (Motueka) | Nelson | Motueka | No |
Ranzau School | Nelson | Hope | No |
Richmond School (Nelson) | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Riwaka School | Nelson | Riwaka | No |
Salisbury School (Nelson) | Nelson | Nelson | No |
St Joseph's School (Nelson) | Nelson | Nelson | No |
St Paul's School (Richmond) | Nelson | Nelson | No |
St Peter Chanel School (Motueka) | Nelson | Motueka | No |
Stoke School | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Tahunanui School | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Takaka Primary School | Nelson | Takaka | No |
Tapawera Area School | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Tasman Bay Christian School | Nelson | Tasman | No |
Tasman School | Nelson | Tasman | No |
TKKM o Tuia te Matangi | Nelson | Richmond | No |
Upper Moutere School | Nelson | Moutere | No |
Victory Primary School | Nelson | Nelson | No |
Waimea College | Nelson | Richmond | No |
Waimea Intermediate | Nelson | Richmond | No |
Wakefield School | Nelson | Wakefield | No |
Allenton School | North Canterbury | Ashburton | No |
Ashburton Borough School | North Canterbury | Ashburton | No |
Ashburton Christian School | North Canterbury | Ashburton | No |
Ashburton College | North Canterbury | Ashburton | No |
Ashburton Intermediate | North Canterbury | Ashburton | No |
Ashburton Netherby School | North Canterbury | Ashburton | No |
Ashgrove School | North Canterbury | Rangiora | No |
Ashley Rakahuri School | North Canterbury | Rangiora | No |
Broadfield School | North Canterbury | Rolleston | No |
Burnham School - Te Kura o Tiori | North Canterbury | Burnham | No |
Carew Peel Forest School | North Canterbury | Carew | No |
Chertsey School | North Canterbury | Ashburton | No |
Clarkville School | North Canterbury | Kaiapoi | No |
Clearview Primary | North Canterbury | Rolleston | No |
Cust School | North Canterbury | Cust | No |
Dorie School | North Canterbury | Ashburton | No |
Dunsandel School | North Canterbury | Leeston | No |
Ellesmere College | North Canterbury | Leeston | No |
Fairton School | North Canterbury | Ashburton | No |
Fernside School | North Canterbury | Rangiora | No |
Glentunnel School | North Canterbury | Glentunnel | No |
Greendale School | North Canterbury | Greendale | No |
Hampstead School | North Canterbury | Ashburton | No |
Hinds School | North Canterbury | Ashburton | No |
Hororata School | North Canterbury | Darfield | No |
Kaiapoi Borough School | North Canterbury | Kaiapoi | No |
Kaiapoi High School | North Canterbury | Kaiapoi | No |
Kaiapoi North School | North Canterbury | Kaiapoi | No |
Kirwee Model School | North Canterbury | Kirwee | No |
Lauriston School | North Canterbury | Ashburton | No |
Leeston School | North Canterbury | Leeston | No |
Lemonwood Grove School | North Canterbury | Rolleston | No |
Lincoln High School | North Canterbury | Lincoln | No |
Lincoln Primary School | North Canterbury | Lincoln | No |
Longbeach School | North Canterbury | Ashburton | No |
Mayfield School (Mid-Canterbury) | North Canterbury | Ashburton | No |
Methven School | North Canterbury | Methven | No |
Mt Somers Springburn School | North Canterbury | Ashburton | No |
North Loburn School | North Canterbury | Rangiora | No |
Ohoka School | North Canterbury | Kaiapoi | No |
Our Lady of the Snows School (Methven) | North Canterbury | Methven | No |
Oxford Area School | North Canterbury | Oxford | No |
Pegasus Bay School | North Canterbury | Pegasus | No |
Prebbleton School | North Canterbury | Prebbleton | No |
Rakaia School | North Canterbury | Rakaia | No |
Rangiora Borough School | North Canterbury | Rangiora | No |
Rangiora High School | North Canterbury | Rangiora | No |
Rangiora New Life School | North Canterbury | Rangiora | No |
Rolleston Christian School | North Canterbury | Rolleston | No |
Rolleston College | North Canterbury | Rolleston | No |
Rolleston School | North Canterbury | Rolleston | No |
Sefton School | North Canterbury | Sefton | No |
Sheffield Contributing School | North Canterbury | Sheffield | No |
Southbridge School | North Canterbury | Southbridge | No |
Southbrook School | North Canterbury | Rangiora | No |
Springfield School | North Canterbury | Springfield | No |
Springston School | North Canterbury | Springston | No |
St Joseph's School (Ashburton) | North Canterbury | Ashburton | No |
St Joseph's School (Rangiora) | North Canterbury | Rangiora | No |
St Patrick's School (Kaiapoi) | North Canterbury | Kaiapoi | No |
Te Matauru Primary | North Canterbury | Rangiora | No |
Te RÅhutu Whio | North Canterbury | Rolleston | No |
Tinwald School | North Canterbury | Ashburton | No |
Tuahiwi School | North Canterbury | Kaiapoi | No |
View Hill School | North Canterbury | Oxford | No |
Wakanui School | North Canterbury | Ashburton | No |
Weedons School | North Canterbury | Christchurch | No |
West Eyreton School | North Canterbury | Rangiora | No |
West Melton School | North Canterbury | West Melton | No |
West Rolleston Primary School | North Canterbury | Rolleston | No |
Windwhistle School | North Canterbury | Darfield | No |
Woodend School | North Canterbury | Woodend | No |
AGE School | North Shore | Auckland | No |
Ahuroa School | North Shore | Ahuroa | No |
Ako Space | North Shore | Auckland | No |
Albany Junior High School | North Shore | Auckland | No |
Albany School | North Shore | Auckland | No |
Albany Senior High School | North Shore | Auckland | No |
Greenhithe School | North Shore | Auckland | No |
Horizon School | North Shore | Snells Beach | No |
Huapai District School | North Shore | Huapai | No |
Murrays Bay Intermediate | North Shore | Auckland | No |
Murrays Bay School | North Shore | Auckland | No |
Colville School | North Waikato | Thames-Coromandel | No |
Coroglen School | North Waikato | Whitanga | No |
Coromandel Area School | North Waikato | Coromandel | No |
David Street School | North Waikato | Morrinsville | No |
Elstow-Waihou Combined School | North Waikato | Te Aroha | No |
Firth School | North Waikato | Matamata | No |
Hikuai School | North Waikato | Hikuai | No |
Hikutaia School | North Waikato | Paeroa | No |
Hinuera School | North Waikato | Hinuera | No |
Kaiaua School | North Waikato | Pokeno | No |
Kaihere School | North Waikato | Morrinsville | No |
Karangahake School | North Waikato | Karangahake | No |
Kerepehi School | North Waikato | Kerepehi | No |
Kiwitahi School | North Waikato | Kiwitahi | No |
Kopuarahi School | North Waikato | Thames | No |
Manawaru School | North Waikato | Te Aroha | No |
Matamata Christian School | North Waikato | Matamata | No |
Matamata College | North Waikato | Matamata | No |
Matamata Intermediate | North Waikato | Matamata | No |
Matamata Primary School | North Waikato | Matamata | No |
Matatoki School | North Waikato | Thames | No |
Mercury Bay Area School | North Waikato | Whitianga | No |
Miller Avenue School | North Waikato | Paeroa | No |
Moanataiari School | North Waikato | Thames | No |
Morrinsville College | North Waikato | Morrinsville | No |
Morrinsville Intermediate | North Waikato | Morrinsville | No |
Morrinsville School | North Waikato | Morrinsville | No |
Motumaoho School | North Waikato | Morrinsville | No |
Netherton School | North Waikato | Paeroa | No |
Ngatea School | North Waikato | Ngatea | No |
Opoutere School | North Waikato | Whangamata | No |
Paeroa Central School | North Waikato | Paeroa | No |
Paeroa Christian School | North Waikato | Paeroa | No |
Paeroa College | North Waikato | Paeroa | No |
Parawai School | North Waikato | Thames | No |
Puriri School | North Waikato | Thames | No |
Springdale School | North Waikato | Waitoa | No |
St Anthony's Catholic School (Huntly) | North Waikato | Huntly | No |
St Francis School (Thames) | North Waikato | Thames | No |
St Joseph's Catholic School (Matamata) | North Waikato | Matamata | No |
St Joseph's Catholic School (Morrinsville) | North Waikato | Morrinsville | No |
St Joseph's Catholic School (Paeroa) | North Waikato | Paeroa | No |
St Joseph's Catholic School (Te Aroha) | North Waikato | Te Aroha | No |
St Joseph's Catholic School (Waihi) | North Waikato | Waihi | No |
Stanley Avenue School | North Waikato | Te Aroha | No |
Tahuna School | North Waikato | Tahuna | No |
Tairua School | North Waikato | Tairua | No |
Tapu School | North Waikato | Thames | No |
Tauhei Combined School | North Waikato | Tauhei | No |
Te Aroha College | North Waikato | Te Aroha | No |
Te Aroha Primary School | North Waikato | Te Aroha | No |
Te Kura o Waharoa | North Waikato | Waharoa | No |
Te Puru School | North Waikato | Te Puru | No |
Te Rerenga School | North Waikato | Te Rerenga | No |
Te Wharekura o Manaia | North Waikato | Coromandel | No |
Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha | North Waikato | Waitoa | No |
Thames High School | North Waikato | Thames | No |
Thames South School | North Waikato | Thames | No |
Tirohia School | North Waikato | Tirohia | No |
TKKM o Harataunga | North Waikato | Kennedy Bay | No |
Turua Primary School | North Waikato | Thames | No |
Waihi Central School | North Waikato | Waihi | No |
Waihi College | North Waikato | Waihi | No |
Waihi East School | North Waikato | Waihi | No |
Waihi School | North Waikato | Waihi | No |
Waikino School | North Waikato | Waikino | No |
Waimata School | North Waikato | Waihi | No |
Wairere School | North Waikato | Waharoa | No |
Waitakaruru School | North Waikato | Waitakaruru | No |
Walton School | North Waikato | Walton | No |
Whangamata Area School | North Waikato | Whangamatu | No |
Whenuakite School | North Waikato | Whitianga | No |
Alexandra School | Otago | Alexandra | No |
Arrowtown School | Otago | Arrowtown | No |
Balclutha School | Otago | Balclutha | No |
Blue Mountain College | Otago | Tapanui | No |
Clinton School | Otago | Clinton | No |
Clutha Valley School | Otago | Greenfield | No |
Clyde School | Otago | Otago | No |
Cromwell College | Otago | Cromwell | No |
Cromwell Primary School | Otago | Cromwell | No |
Glenorchy School | Otago | Glenorchy | No |
Goldfields School (Cromwell) | Otago | Cromwell | No |
Hawea Flat School | Otago | Wanaka | No |
Heriot School | Otago | Tapanui | No |
Holy Family School (Wanaka) | Otago | Wanaka | No |
Kaitangata School | Otago | Kaitangata | No |
Kingsview School | Otago | Queenstown | No |
Lawrence Area School | Otago | Lawrence | No |
Liger Leadership Academy | Otago | Queenstown | No |
Makarora Primary School | Otago | Wanaka | No |
Maniototo Area School | Otago | Ranfurly | No |
Millers Flat School | Otago | Millers Flat | No |
Milton School | Otago | Milton | No |
Mt Aspiring College | Otago | Wanaka | No |
Omakau School | Otago | Omakau | No |
Otago Boys' High School | Otago | Otago | No |
Otago Girls' High School | Otago | Otago | No |
Poolburn School | Otago | Oturehua | No |
Queenstown Primary School | Otago | Queenstown | No |
Remarkables Primary School | Otago | Queenstown | No |
Romahapa School | Otago | Romahapa | No |
Rosebank School (Balclutha) | Otago | Balclutha | No |
Roxburgh Area School | Otago | Roxburgh | No |
Shotover Primary School | Otago | Queenstown | No |
St Gerard's School (Alexandra) | Otago | Alexandra | No |
St John's School (Ranfurly) | Otago | Ranfurly | No |
St Joseph's School (Balclutha) | Otago | Balclutha | No |
St Joseph's School (Queenstown) | Otago | Queenstown | No |
St Mary's School (Milton) | Otago | Milton | No |
Stirling School | Otago | Stirling | No |
Tahakopa School | Otago | Owaka | No |
Taieri Beach School | Otago | Brighton | No |
Tapanui School | Otago | Tapanui | No |
Tarras School | Otago | Tarras | No |
Te Kura O Take KÄrara | Otago | Wanaka | No |
Te Kura Whakatipu o Kawarau | Otago | Queenstown | No |
The Catlins Area School | Otago | Owaka | No |
The Terrace School (Alexandra) | Otago | Alexandra | No |
Tokoiti School | Otago | Milton | No |
Tokomairiro High School | Otago | Milton | No |
Waihola District School | Otago | Waihola | No |
Waikoikoi School | Otago | Waikoikoi | No |
Waitahuna School | Otago | Waitahuna | No |
Waitaki Boys' High School | Otago | Oamarau | No |
Waitaki Girls' High School | Otago | Oamarau | No |
Waiwera South School | Otago | Waiwera | No |
Wanaka Primary School | Otago | Wanaka | No |
Warepa School | Otago | Balclutha | No |
ADDI Enrichment Academy | Rotorua Lakes | Taupo | no |
Awhina School/ Activity Centre | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | No |
Broadlands School | Rotorua Lakes | Reporoa | No |
Glenholme School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Horohoro School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | No |
John Paul College | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | No |
Kingslea School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | No |
Kuratau School | Ruapehu | Turangi | Yes |
Lake Rerewhakaaitu School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Lake Rotoma School | Rotorua Lakes | Lake Rotoma | Yes |
Mamaku School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | No |
Marotiri School | Rotorua Lakes | Taupo | No |
Mokoia Intermediate | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | No |
Mountview School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | No |
Ngakuru School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | No |
Otonga Road School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | No |
Owhata School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | No |
Reporoa College | Rotorua Lakes | Reperoa | No |
Reporoa School | Rotorua Lakes | Reperoa | Yes |
Rotorua Girls' High School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | No |
Rotorua Lakes High School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | No |
Rotorua Specialist School - Te Kura PÅ«kenga o Rotorua | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | No |
St Patrick's Catholic School (Taupo) | Rotorua Lakes | Taupo | No |
Sunset Primary School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | No |
Tauhara College | Rotorua Lakes | Taupo | No |
Taupo School | Rotorua Lakes | Taupo | No |
Taupo-nui-a-Tia College | Rotorua Lakes | Taupo | No |
Te Ähuru MÅwai | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | No |
Te Kura o Hirangi | Rotorua Lakes | Turangi | No |
Te Kura o Waitahanui | Rotorua Lakes | Taupo | No |
TKKM o Hurungaterangi | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | No |
TKKM o Rotoiti | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | No |
TKKM o Ruamata | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | No |
TKKM o Whakarewa I Te Reo Ki Tuwharetoa | Rotorua Lakes | Taupo | No |
Tongariro School | Ruapehu | Turangi | Yes |
Upper Atiamuri School | Rotorua Lakes | Atiamuri | No |
Waikite Valley School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | No |
Westbrook School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Western Heights High School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | No |
Whakamaru School | Rotorua Lakes | Mangakino | No |
Whakarewarewa School | Rotorua Lakes | Rotorua | Yes |
Papanui Junction School | Whanganui | Ruanui | Yes |
Ruapehu College | Ruapehu | Ruapehu | No |
St Patrick's Catholic School (Taumarunui) | Ruapehu | Taumaranui | No |
Taumarunui High School | Ruapehu | Taumaranui | No |
Taumarunui Primary School | Ruapehu | Taumaranui | No |
Te Kura o Ngapuke | Ruapehu | Taumaranui | No |
Anchorage Park School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Baverstock Oaks School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Botany Downs School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Botany Downs Secondary College | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Bucklands Beach Intermediate | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Bucklands Beach Primary School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Chapel Downs School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Cockle Bay School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Dawson School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
De La Salle College | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
East Tamaki School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Elm Park School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Fairburn School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Farm Cove Intermediate | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Favona School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Ferguson Intermediate (Otara) | South Auckland | Otara | No |
Holy Cross School (Papatoetoe) | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Howick College | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Howick Intermediate | South Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Howick Primary School | South Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Jean Batten School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Kedgley Intermediate | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Kia Aroha College | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
King's College | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Kingsford School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Koru School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Macleans College | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Macleans Primary School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Mangere Bridge School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Mangere Central School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Mangere College | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
MÄngere East School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Manukau Christian School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Manurewa Central School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Manurewa East School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Manurewa High School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Manurewa Intermediate | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Manurewa South School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Mayfield School (Auckland) | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
McAuley High School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Mellons Bay School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Mission Heights Junior College | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Mission Heights Primary School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Mountain View School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Mt Richmond School | South Auckland | Otahuhu | No |
Nga Iwi School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Onehunga High School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Onehunga Primary School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Ormiston Junior College | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Ormiston Senior College | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Otahuhu College | South Auckland | Otahuhu | No |
Otahuhu Intermediate | South Auckland | Otahuhu | No |
Otahuhu School | South Auckland | Otahuhu | No |
Our Lady Star of the Sea School (Howick) | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Owairoa Primary School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Pacific Advance Secondary School | South Auckland | Otahuhu | No |
Pakuranga College | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Pakuranga Heights School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Pakuranga Intermediate | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Papatoetoe Central School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Papatoetoe East School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Papatoetoe High School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Papatoetoe Intermediate | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Papatoetoe North School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Papatoetoe South School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Parkside School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Pigeon Mountain School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Point View School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Puhinui School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Redoubt North School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Rise UP Academy | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Riverhills School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Robertson Road School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Rongomai School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School | South Auckland | Manukau | No |
Sancta Maria College | South Auckland | Manukau | No |
Shelly Park School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Sir Douglas Bader Intermediate School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate Middle School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate Senior School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Sir Keith Park School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Somerville Intermediate School | South Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
South Auckland Middle School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
South Auckland S D A School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Anne's Catholic School (Manurewa) | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
St John the Evangelist Catholic School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Joseph's Catholic School (Onehunga) | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Joseph's School (Otahuhu) | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Mark's School (Pakuranga) | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Mary MacKillop Catholic School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Sutton Park School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Tangaroa College | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Tangaroa College Teen Parent Unit | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Te Kura Maori o Nga Tapuwae | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Te Kura o Waipuna | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Te Paina School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Te Papapa School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Te Uho O Te Nikau Primary School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Te Wharekura o Manurewa | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
The Gardens School | South Auckland | Manukau | No |
TKKM o Mangere | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
TKKM o Piripono Te Kura Whakahou ki Åtara | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Tyndale Park Christian School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Viscount School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Wakaaranga School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Waterlea Public School | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Zayed College for Girls | South Auckland | Auckland | No |
Albury School | South Canterbury | Albury | No |
Aoraki Mount Cook School | South Canterbury | Mt Cook | No |
Ardgowan School | South Canterbury | Oamaru | No |
Arowhenua Maori School | South Canterbury | Temuka | No |
Barton Rural School | South Canterbury | Timaru | No |
Beaconsfield School | South Canterbury | Timaru | No |
Bluestone School | South Canterbury | Timaru | No |
Cannington School | South Canterbury | Cannington | No |
Craighead Diocesan School | South Canterbury | Timaru | No |
Duntroon School | South Canterbury | Duntroon | No |
Fairlie School | South Canterbury | Fairlie | No |
Fenwick School | South Canterbury | Oamaru | No |
Five Forks School | South Canterbury | Waitaki | No |
Geraldine High School | South Canterbury | Geraldine | No |
Geraldine Primary School | South Canterbury | Geraldine | No |
Glenavy School | South Canterbury | Waimate | No |
Gleniti School | South Canterbury | Timaru | No |
Grantlea Downs School | South Canterbury | Timaru | No |
Hampden School | South Canterbury | Hampden | No |
Highfield School | South Canterbury | Timaru | No |
Kakanui School | South Canterbury | Kakanui | No |
Lake Tekapo School | South Canterbury | Lake Tekapo | No |
Mackenzie College | South Canterbury | Fairlie | No |
Macraes Moonlight School | South Canterbury | Palmerston North | No |
Maheno School | South Canterbury | Maheno | No |
Makikihi School | South Canterbury | Makikihi | No |
Mountainview High School | South Canterbury | Timaru | No |
Oamaru Intermediate | South Canterbury | Oamaru | No |
Oceanview Heights School | South Canterbury | Timaru | No |
Omarama School | South Canterbury | Omarama | No |
Opihi College | South Canterbury | Temuka | No |
Papakaio School | South Canterbury | Oamaru | No |
Pembroke School (Oamaru) | South Canterbury | Oamaru | No |
Pleasant Point Primary School | South Canterbury | Pleasant Point | No |
Roncalli College | South Canterbury | Timaru | No |
Sacred Heart School (Timaru) | South Canterbury | Timaru | No |
St Andrew's School (Timaru) | South Canterbury | Timaru | No |
St Joseph's School (Fairlie) | South Canterbury | Fairlie | No |
St Joseph's School (Oamaru) | South Canterbury | Oamaru | No |
St Joseph's School (Pleasant Point) | South Canterbury | Pleasant Point | No |
St Joseph's School (Temuka) | South Canterbury | Temuka | No |
St Joseph's School (Timaru) | South Canterbury | Timaru | No |
St Kevins College (Oamaru) | South Canterbury | Oamaru | No |
St Patrick's School (Waimate) | South Canterbury | Waimate | No |
Te PÄkihi o Maru | South Canterbury | Oamaru | No |
Temuka Primary School | South Canterbury | Temuka | No |
Timaru Boys' High School | South Canterbury | Timaru | No |
Timaru Christian School | South Canterbury | Timaru | No |
Timaru Girls' High School | South Canterbury | Timaru | No |
Timaru South School | South Canterbury | Timaru | No |
Totara School | South Canterbury | Alma | No |
Twizel Area School | South Canterbury | Twizel | No |
Waihao Downs School | South Canterbury | Waimate | No |
Waimataitai School | South Canterbury | Timaru | No |
Waimate Centennial School | South Canterbury | Waimate | No |
Waimate High School | South Canterbury | Waimate | No |
Waimate Main School | South Canterbury | Waimate | No |
Waitaki Valley School | South Canterbury | Oamarau | No |
Waituna Creek School | South Canterbury | Waimate | No |
Weston School | South Canterbury | Weston | No |
Winchester Rural School | South Canterbury | Winchester | No |
Woodbury School | South Canterbury | Geraldine | No |
Aria School | South Waikato | Aria | No |
Benneydale School | South Waikato | Benneydale | No |
Cambridge High School | South Waikato | Cambridge | No |
Cambridge Middle School | South Waikato | Cambridge | No |
Cambridge School | South Waikato | Cambridge | No |
Cambridge West School (Proposed opening date: 2024-01-01) | South Waikato | Cambridge | No |
Cargill Open Plan School | South Waikato | Tokoroa | No |
Forest View High School | South Waikato | Tokoroa | No |
Hautapu School | South Waikato | Cambridge | No |
Hauturu School | South Waikato | Oparau | No |
Horahora School (Cambridge) | South Waikato | Cambridge | Yes |
Kaipaki School | South Waikato | Cambridge | No |
Korakonui School | South Waikato | Te Awamutu | Yes |
Lichfield School | South Waikato | Putaruru | No |
Mokau School | South Waikato | Mokau | No |
Ngahinapouri School | South Waikato | Ngahinapouri | No |
Ohaupo School | South Waikato | Ohaupo | No |
Otewa School | South Waikato | Otorohonga | No |
Åtorohanga College | South Waikato | Otorohonga | No |
Pa Harakeke Teen Parent Unit | South Waikato | Tokoroa | No |
Piopio College | South Waikato | Piopio | No |
Piopio Primary School | South Waikato | Piopio | No |
Piripiri School | South Waikato | Te Kuiti | No |
Pokuru School | South Waikato | Pokuru | No |
Pukenui School (Te Kuiti) | South Waikato | Te Kuiti | No |
Putaruru Primary School | South Waikato | Putaruru | No |
Rukuhia School | South Waikato | Ohaupo | No |
Southcity Christian School | South Waikato | Hamilton | No |
St Peter's School (Cambridge) | South Waikato | Cambridge | No |
Te Awamutu College | South Waikato | Te Awamutu | No |
Te Awamutu Intermediate | South Waikato | Te Awamutu | No |
Te Kuiti High School | South Waikato | Te Kuiti | No |
Te Kuiti Primary School | South Waikato | Te Kuiti | No |
Te Waotu School | South Waikato | Putaruru | No |
Te Wharekura o Nga Purapura o Te Aroha | South Waikato | Te Awamutu | No |
Tirau Primary School | South Waikato | Tirau | No |
Tokoroa Central School | South Waikato | Tokoroa | No |
Tokoroa High School | South Waikato | Tokoroa | No |
Tokoroa Intermediate | South Waikato | Tokoroa | No |
Waipa Christian School | South Waikato | Te Awamutu | Yes |
Whareorino School | South Waikato | Waikawau | No |
Aparima College | Southland | Riverton | No |
Ascot Community School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Aurora College | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Balfour School | Southland | Balfour | No |
Bluff School | Southland | Bluff | No |
Dipton School | Southland | Dipton | No |
Donovan Primary School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Drummond Primary School | Southland | Drummond | No |
Dunstan High School | Southland | Otago | No |
East Gore School | Southland | Gore | No |
East Otago High School | Southland | Otago | No |
Edendale School (Southland) | Southland | Edendale | No |
Fernworth Primary School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Fiordland College | Southland | Te Anau | No |
Garston School | Southland | Garston | No |
Glenham School | Southland | Wyndham | No |
Gore High School | Southland | Gore | No |
Gore Main School | Southland | Gore | No |
Gorge Road School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Halfmoon Bay School | Southland | Stewart Island | No |
Hauroko Valley Primary School | Southland | Tuatapere | No |
Heddon Bush School | Southland | Winton | No |
Hedgehope School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Hillside Primary School | Southland | Browns | No |
Invercargill Activity Centre | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Invercargill Middle School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
James Hargest College | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Knapdale School | Southland | Gore | No |
Limehills School | Southland | Limehills | No |
Lochiel School | Southland | Lochiel | No |
Longford Intermediate | Southland | Gore | No |
Lumsden School | Southland | Lumsden | No |
Makarewa School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Mararoa School | Southland | Te Anau | No |
Mataura School | Southland | Mataura | No |
Menzies College | Southland | Wyndham | No |
Mossburn School | Southland | Mossburn | No |
Murihiku Young Parents' Learning Centre | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Myross Bush School | Southland | Myross Bush | No |
New River Primary | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Newfield Park School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Northern Southland College | Southland | Lumsden | No |
Otama School | Southland | Gore | No |
Otatara School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Otautau School | Southland | Otautau | No |
Pukerau School | Southland | Gore | No |
Rimu School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Riversdale School | Southland | Riversdale | No |
Riverton School | Southland | Riverton | No |
Ruru Special School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Sacred Heart School (Waikiwi) | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Salford School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Southland Adventist Christian School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Southland Boys' High School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Southland Girls' High School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
St John's Girls' School (Invercargill) | Southland | Invercargill | No |
St Joseph's School (Invercargill) | Southland | Invercargill | No |
St Mary's School (Gore) | Southland | Gore | No |
St Patrick's School (Invercargill) | Southland | Invercargill | No |
St Patrick's School (Nightcaps) | Southland | Nightcaps | No |
St Peter's College (Gore) | Southland | Gore | No |
St Theresa's School (Invercargill) | Southland | Invercargill | No |
St Thomas School (Winton) | Southland | Winton | No |
Takitimu Primary School | Southland | Nightcaps | No |
Te Anau School | Southland | Te Anau | No |
Te Tipua School | Southland | Gore | No |
Te Wharekura o Arowhenua | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Thornbury School | Southland | Riverton | No |
Tisbury School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Tokanui School | Southland | Tokanui | No |
Tuturau Primary School | Southland | Gore | No |
Verdon College | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Waianiwa School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Waihopai School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Waikaia School | Southland | Waikaia | No |
Waikaka School | Southland | Gore | No |
Wakatipu High School | Southland | Queenstown | No |
Wallacetown School | Southland | Wallacetown | No |
Waverley Park School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
West Gore School | Southland | Gore | No |
Windsor North School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Winton School | Southland | Winton | No |
Woodlands Full Primary School | Southland | Invercargill | No |
Wyndham School | Southland | Wyndham | No |
Awapuni School (Gisborne) | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Campion College | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Elgin School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Gisborne Boys' High School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Hatea-A-Rangi | Tairawhiti | Tokomaru bay | No |
Ilminster Intermediate | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Kaiti School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Kotemaori School | Tairawhiti | Kotemaori | No |
Lytton High School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Makaraka School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Makarika School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Mata School | Tairawhiti | Tokomaru Bay | No |
Mohaka School | Tairawhiti | Mohaka | No |
Motu School | Tairawhiti | Motu | No |
Muriwai School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Ngata Memorial College | Tairawhiti | Ruatoria | No |
Ngatapa School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Nuhaka School | Tairawhiti | Nuhaka | No |
Ohuka School | Tairawhiti | Wairoa | No |
Patutahi School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Potaka School | Tairawhiti | Hicks Bay | No |
Putere School | Tairawhiti | Wairoa | No |
Riverdale School (Gisborne) | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Ruakituri School | Tairawhiti | Wairoa | No |
St Joseph's School (Wairoa) | Tairawhiti | Wairoa | Yes |
Te Hapara School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Te Karaka Area School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Horouta Wananga | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Whatatutu | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Te Kura o Waikaremoana | Tairawhiti | Tuai | No |
Te Mahia School | Tairawhiti | Wairoa | No |
Te Waha O Rerekohu Area School | Tairawhiti | Te Araroa | No |
Te Whare Whai Hua Teenage Parent Centre | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Tiaho Primary School | Tairawhiti | Wairoa | No |
Tikitiki School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
TKKM o Kawakawa mai Tawhiti | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
TKKM o Mangatuna | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
TKKM o Ngati Kahungunu o Te Wairoa | Tairawhiti | Wairoa | No |
TKKM o Tapere-Nui-A-Whatonga | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
TKKM o Te Waiu o Ngati Porou | Tairawhiti | Ruatoria | No |
TKKM o Tokomaru | Tairawhiti | Tokomaru Bay | No |
Tolaga Bay Area School | Tairawhiti | Tolaga Bay | No |
TÅ«ranga Tangata Rite | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Turanganui-A-Kiwa Activity Centre | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Waerenga-O-Kuri School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Waikirikiri School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Wairoa College | Tairawhiti | Wairoa | No |
Wairoa Primary School | Tairawhiti | Wairoa | No |
Whangara School | Tairawhiti | Gisborne | No |
Ahititi School | Taranaki | Urenui | No |
Auroa School | Taranaki | South Taranaki | Yes |
Avon School | Taranaki | Stratford | No |
Coastal Taranaki School | Taranaki | Okato | No |
Devon Intermediate | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Egmont Village School | Taranaki | Inglewood | Yes |
Francis Douglas Memorial College | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Frankley School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Green School New Zealand | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Hawera Christian School | Taranaki | Hawera | No |
Hawera High School | Taranaki | Hawera | No |
Hawera Intermediate | Taranaki | Hawera | No |
Highlands Intermediate | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Huiakama School | Taranaki | Stratford | No |
Inglewood High School | Taranaki | Inglewood | No |
Inglewood School | Taranaki | Inglewood | No |
Kaimata School | Taranaki | Inglewood | No |
Kakaramea School | Taranaki | Patea | No |
Makahu School | Taranaki | Stratford | No |
Manaia School (Taranaki) | Taranaki | Manaia | No |
Mangorei School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Marco School | Taranaki | Stratford | No |
Matapu School | Taranaki | Hawera | No |
Merrilands School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Midhirst School | Taranaki | Stratford | No |
Mimi School | Taranaki | Urenui | No |
Mokoia School | Taranaki | Hawera | No |
New Plymouth Adventist Christian School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
New Plymouth Boys' High School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
New Plymouth Girls' High School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Oakura School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Åmata School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Opunake High School | Taranaki | Opunake | No |
Opunake School | Taranaki | Opunake | No |
Patea Area School | Taranaki | Patea | No |
Pembroke School | Taranaki | Stratford | No |
Rahotu School | Taranaki | Rahotu | Yes |
Ratapiko School | Taranaki | Ratapiko | No |
Sacred Heart Girls' College (N Plymouth) | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Spotswood College | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Spotswood Primary School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
St John Bosco School (New Plymouth) | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
St Joseph's School (Hawera) | Taranaki | Hawera | No |
St Joseph's School (New Plymouth) | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
St Joseph's School (Patea) | Taranaki | Patea | No |
St Joseph's School (Stratford) | Taranaki | Stratford | No |
St Joseph's School (Waitara) | Taranaki | Waitara | No |
St Patrick's School (Kaponga) | Taranaki | Kaponga | No |
St Pius X School (New Plymouth) | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Stratford High School | Taranaki | Stratford | No |
Stratford High School Teen Parent Unit | Taranaki | Stratford | No |
Taranaki Activity Centre | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Taranaki Diocesan School for Girls | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Tawhiti School | Taranaki | Hawera | No |
Te Paepae o Aotea (Proposed opening date: 2023-01-01) | Taranaki | Hawera | No |
Toko School | Taranaki | Stratford | No |
Turuturu School | Taranaki | Hawera | No |
Urenui School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Uruti School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Waitara High School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Waitotara School | Taranaki | Waitotara | No |
Waverley Primary School | Taranaki | Waverley | No |
Welbourn School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
West End Te Kura O Morere | Taranaki | New Plymouth | Yes |
Westown School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Woodleigh School | Taranaki | New Plymouth | No |
Ballance School | Wairarapa | Pahiatua | No |
Dannevirke High School | Wairarapa | Dannevirke | No |
Dannevirke South School | Wairarapa | Dannevirke | No |
Huia Range School | Wairarapa | Dannevirke | No |
Kumeroa School | Wairarapa | Kumeroa | No |
Kuranui College | Wairarapa | Greytown | No |
Makoura College | Wairarapa | Masterton | No |
Mangatainoka School | Wairarapa | Mangitainoka | No |
Norsewood and Districts School | Wairarapa | Norsewood | No |
Papatawa School | Wairarapa | Woodville | No |
PuawÄnanga Wairarapa Young Parents | Wairarapa | Wairarapa | No |
Rathkeale College | Wairarapa | Masterton | No |
Ruahine School | Wairarapa | Dannevirke | No |
South Featherston School | Wairarapa | Featherston | No |
St Joseph's School (Dannevirke) | Wairarapa | Dannevirke | No |
St Teresa's School (Featherston) | Wairarapa | Featherston | No |
Tararua College | Wairarapa | Pahiatua | No |
TKKM o Tamaki Nui A Rua | Wairarapa | Dannevirke | No |
Totara College of Accelerated Learning | Wairarapa | Dannevirke | No |
Wairarapa College | Wairarapa | Masterton | No |
Weber School | Wairarapa | Dannevirke | No |
Woodville School | Wairarapa | Woodville | No |
Amesbury School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Aotea College | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Bellevue School (Newlands) | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Bishop Viard College | Wellington | Porirua | No |
Brooklyn School (Wellington) | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Cannons Creek School | Wellington | Porirua | No |
Cashmere Avenue School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Central Regional Health School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Churton Park School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Clifton Terrace Model School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Discovery School | Wellington | Porirua | No |
Evans Bay Intermediate | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Greenacres School | Wellington | Tawa | No |
Hataitai School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
He Huarahi Tamariki | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Holy Cross School (Miramar) | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Holy Family School (Porirua) | Wellington | Porirua | No |
Houghton Valley School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Kahurangi School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Karori Normal School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Khandallah School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Linden School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Lyall Bay School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Mahinawa Specialist School and Resource Centre | Wellington | Porirua | No |
Makara Model School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Mana College | Wellington | Porirua | No |
Miramar Christian School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Mt Cook School (Wellington) | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Natone Park School | Wellington | Porirua | No |
Newlands College | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Newtown School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Ngaio School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Ngati Toa School | Wellington | Porirua | No |
Onslow College | Wellington | Johnsonville | No |
Otari School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Papakowhai School | Wellington | Papakowhai | No |
Paparangi School | Wellington | Paparangi | No |
Porirua Activity Centre | Wellington | Porirua | No |
Porirua College | Wellington | Porirua | No |
Porirua East School | Wellington | Porirua | No |
Porirua School | Wellington | Porirua | No |
Raroa Normal Intermediate | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Rewa Rewa School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Ridgway School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Rongotai College | Wellington | Rongotai | No |
Roseneath School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Russell School (Porirua East) | Wellington | Porirua | No |
Sacred Heart Cathedral School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Samuel Marsden Collegiate School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Scots College | Wellington | Wellington | No |
St Anthony's School (Seatoun) | Wellington | Seatoun | No |
St Bernard's School (Brooklyn) | Wellington | Wellington | No |
St Brigids School (Johnsonville) | Wellington | Wellington | No |
St Catherines College (Kilbirnie) | Wellington | Wellington | No |
St Francis De Sales School (Is.Bay) | Wellington | Wellington | No |
St Mark's Church School (Mt Victoria) | Wellington | Wellington | No |
St Mary's College (Wellington) | Wellington | Wellington | No |
St Patrick's College (Kilbirnie) | Wellington | Kilbirnie | No |
St Pius X School (Titahi Bay) | Wellington | Titahi Bay | No |
St Teresa's School (Karori) | Wellington | Wellington | No |
St Theresa's School (Plimmerton) | Wellington | Plimmerton | No |
Tawa College | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Tawa Intermediate | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Tawa School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Te Ara | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Te Aro School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Te Kura Maori o Porirua | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Thorndon School | Wellington | Thorndon | No |
Titahi Bay Intermediate | Wellington | Porirua | No |
Titahi Bay North School | Wellington | Porirua | No |
Titahi Bay School | Wellington | Porirua | No |
Wadestown School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Wellington College | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Wellington East Girls' College | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Wellington Girls' College | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Wellington High School and Com Ed Centre | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Wellington S D A School | Wellington | Wellington | No |
Whitby Collegiate | Wellington | Porirua | No |
ACG Sunderland | West Auckland | Waitakere | no |
Al-Madinah School | West Auckland | Auckland | no |
Arahoe School | West Auckland | Waitakere | No |
Avondale College | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Avondale Intermediate | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Birdwood School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Blockhouse Bay School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Chaucer School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Don Buck School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Edmonton School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Flanshaw Road School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Freyberg Community School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Fruitvale Road School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Glen Eden Intermediate | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Glen Eden School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Glendene School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Green Bay Primary School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Henderson - Teen Parent Unit - He Wero o nga Wahine | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Henderson High School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Henderson South School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Hillsborough School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Hobsonville Point Secondary School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Holy Cross Catholic School (Henderson) | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Jireh Christian School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Kaurilands School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Kelston Boys' High School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Kelston Girls' College | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Kelston Intermediate | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Kelston School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Lincoln Heights School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Liston College | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Massey-Redhills Primary School (Proposed opening date: 2023-01-01) | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Matipo Road School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Matua Ngaru School | West Auckland | Auckland | Yes |
Middle School West Auckland | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
New Lynn School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Oratia School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Pasadena Intermediate | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Peninsula Primary School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Pomaria Road School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Rangeview Intermediate | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Rosebank School (Auckland) | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Royal Road School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Rutherford College | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Dominic's Catholic College (Henderson) | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Dominic's Catholic School (Blockhouse Bay) | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Leonards Road School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Mary's Catholic School (Avondale) | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
St Paul's School (Massey) | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Sunnyvale School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Swanson School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Titirangi School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
TKKM o Te Kotuku | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Waatea School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Waikowhai Intermediate | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Waikowhai School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Waitakere College | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Waitakere S D A School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Waitakere School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Wellsford School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
West Harbour School | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Western Heights School (Auckland) | West Auckland | Auckland | No |
Awahono School - Grey Valley | West Coast | Ahaura | No |
Barrytown School | West Coast | Barrytown | No |
Blaketown School | West Coast | Greymouth | No |
Cobden School | West Coast | Greymouth | No |
Fox Glacier School | West Coast | Fox Glacier | No |
Franz Josef Glacier School | West Coast | Franz Josef | No |
Gloriavale Christian School | West Coast | Greymouth | No |
Granity School | West Coast | Granity | No |
Greymouth High School | West Coast | Greymouth | No |
Greymouth Main School | West Coast | Greymouth | No |
Haast School | West Coast | Haast | No |
Hokitika School | West Coast | Hokitikia | No |
Kaniere School | West Coast | Hokitikia | No |
Karamea Area School | West Coast | Westport | No |
Karoro School | West Coast | Greymouth | No |
Kokatahi-Kowhitirangi School | West Coast | Hokitikia | No |
Kumara School | West Coast | Kumara | No |
Lake Brunner School | West Coast | Moana | No |
Maruia School | West Coast | Maruia | No |
Paroa School (Greymouth) | West Coast | Greymouth | No |
Reefton Area School | West Coast | Reefton | No |
Ross School | West Coast | Ross | No |
Runanga School | West Coast | Runanga | No |
Sacred Heart School (Reefton) | West Coast | Reefton | No |
South Westland Area School | West Coast | Harihari | No |
St Canice's School (Westport) | West Coast | Westport | No |
St Mary's School (Hokitika) | West Coast | Hokitika | No |
St Patrick's School (Greymouth) | West Coast | Greymouth | No |
Westland High School | West Coast | Hokitika | No |
Westport North School | West Coast | Westport | No |
Westport South School | West Coast | Westport | No |
Whataroa School | West Coast | Whataroa | No |
ACG Tauranga | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | no |
Aquinas College | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Arataki School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Mount Maunganui | No |
Bethlehem College Middle School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Bethlehem College Secondary | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Brookfield School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Katikati College | Western BOP - Tauranga | Katikati | No |
Mount Maunganui College | Western BOP - Tauranga | Mount Maunganui | No |
Mount Maunganui Primary School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Mount Maunganui | No |
Mt Maunganui Intermediate | Western BOP - Tauranga | Mount Maunganui | No |
Otumoetai College | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Otumoetai Primary School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Papamoa Primary School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Papamoa | No |
Pukehina School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Pukehina | No |
Pyes Pa Road School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Suzanne Aubert Catholic School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Taumata School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Tauranga Adventist School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Tauranga Boys' College | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Tauranga Girls' College | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Tauranga Intermediate | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Tauranga Special School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Tauranga Waldorf School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Tauriko School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Te Kura o Matapihi | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Te Kura o Te Moutere O Matakana | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Te Puke High School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Te Puke | No |
Te Puke Intermediate | Western BOP - Tauranga | Te Puke | No |
Te Whakatipuranga (Otumoetai TPU) | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Te Wharekura o Mauao | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | Yes |
TKKM o Otepou | Western BOP - Tauranga | Tauranga | No |
Waihi Beach School | Western BOP - Tauranga | Waihi | No |
Buller High School | Westport | Buller | No |
Aberfeldy School | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Aranui School (Whanganui) | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Brunswick School | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Bulls School | Whanganui | Bulls | No |
Carlton School | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Castlecliff School | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Churton School | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Clifton School (Bulls) | Whanganui | Bulls | No |
Cullinane College | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Durie Hill School | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Gonville School | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Huntley School (Marton) | Whanganui | Marton | No |
James Cook School | Whanganui | Marton | No |
Kakatahi School | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Mangamahu Primary School | Whanganui | Mangamahu | No |
Mangaweka School | Whanganui | Mangaweka | No |
Marton School | Whanganui | Marton | No |
Mataroa School | Whanganui | Taihape | No |
Moawhango School | Whanganui | Moawhnago | No |
Mosston School | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
National Park School | Whanganui | National Park | No |
Nga Tawa Diocesan School | Whanganui | Marton | No |
Okoia School | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Orautoha School | Whanganui | Raetihi | No |
Pukeokahu School | Whanganui | Pukeokahu | Yes |
Raetihi Primary School | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Rangitikei College | Whanganui | Marton | No |
South Makirikiri School | Whanganui | Marton | No |
St Anne's School (Wanganui) | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
St Anthony's School (Wanganui) | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
St Dominic's College | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
St Joseph's School (Taihape) | Whanganui | Taihape | No |
St Marcellin School (Wanganui) | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
St Matthew's School (Marton) | Whanganui | Marton | No |
Taihape Area School | Whanganui | Taihape | No |
Taoroa School | Whanganui | Taihape | No |
Tawhero School | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Te Kura o Te Wainui-Ä-Rua | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
TKKM o Tupoho | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Turakina School | Whanganui | Turakina | No |
Upokongaro School | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Waiouru School | Whanganui | Waiouru | No |
Westmere School (Wanganui) | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Whangaehu School | Whanganui | Whanganui | Yes |
Whanganui City College | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Whanganui Collegiate School | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Whanganui East School | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Whanganui Girls' College | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Whanganui High School | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Whanganui Intermediate | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Whare Kura Morehu Å Ratana | Whanganui | Whanganui | No |
Central Southland College | Winton | Southland District | No |

This science kit engaged everyone in my class(20) 200%. Thank you!!! allowed 2x days to use this kit. In the whole school 3 classrooms(65 students) participated in this science kit and the feedback from all classes was absolutely positive.
Micro Exploration
Chris Milham
Hiruharama School
It was a great kit to do with a large number of classes coming through – I have it for another week and have two classes using it per day. I’m doing slightly different things for the younger kids – more discussion, wonderings and really honing in on developing their observational skills. The kids were really engaged with it – I was surprised that hardly any of them had seen a Jacob’s Ladder! That’s a classic toy I would’ve thought. Anyway, great stuff and thanks.
What Do You Think?
Erin Edmonds
Silverstream School
Ngā mihi, Mighty Microbes was a fun and engaging kit. Our students made some excellent connections and applied their own real life experiences to make sense of the learning. I used this kit with a student teacher who was completing her practicum and she also found it easy to follow and use. Thanks for all the work that goes into preparing this. So many highlights throughout this learning.
Mighty Microbes
Keriana McKee
Taradale Intermediate
Students found the kit engaging and fun, especially the eDNA. The kit is also helpful to teachers who lack the confidence to teach science – it makes it easy for teachers to teach the concepts.
Who's been there?
Razmi Paul
Massey Primary School
As this was a new curriculum for us at Tarawera High School we were learning together (students and teacher) about the science kits, vocabulary for science as well as experiments. Great hands on resources for students to do investigations with as well as inquiry learning
Raewyn Houia
Tarawera High School