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House of Science
Head office

The kits were really well resourced and bilingual which were awesome and made it user friendly for our tauira of maori background.
Alexia Jacobs
Panguru School
Te Kura absolutely love the kits. They are used during our Huinga ako sessions and have proven a real hit. Akonga in Wairoa and Tairawhiti receive lessons and enjoy the hands-on activities and links to the world around them. Science has come alive for them. Thank you.
Mihi Hannah
Te Kura
Brilliant resource! Takes all the stress out of tracking down resources, which we just don’t have the time or budget for. Kids are engaged and exploring theories and discovering so much more. THANK YOU.
Plants, Pests and Pollination
Helen Duff
Kaponga School
It was a fun, hands-on kit that my class loved. I had a student teacher, and she found the kit really easy to use. She could just pick up the teacher manual and teach a lesson. So good!
Mighty Microbes
Nerolee Devery
Napier Central School
It was amazing!!! We absolutely loved it and the kids got a real buzz out of all the activities that we did. We wish that we could have had more time but we had to share with other classes. It was so easy to use and it really brought science alive in the classroom. We are going to move into a renewable energy inquiry after such a successful, motivating and inspiring week with your kit. Thank you so much. Catherine Steenson Teacher and Learner in room 3.
Electric Future
Catherine Steenson
Marfell School